Evilest sounding vocals


Feb 11, 2006
i dont know what it is but the better sounding vocals of a band that you think satan would sound like fucking totally blow my mind!

anyways heres who i think has some of the best vocals in the act....

Napalm Death

i dont know what it is but im getting into grindcore pretty badly! i picked up an origin album and stop at nothing by dying fetus, any other bands youd think id like as well?
I think Gorgoroth does it pretty well. Napalm Death does not have good vocals, in my opinion.

Possibly Deicide too.
VittraEternity said:
Gaahl (Gorgoroth)


Maniac - He did some good satanic vocals on Wolf Lair Abyss EP. There is a part in "I Am Thy Labyrinth" when Maniac sings along with a priest and that part always gives me major chills.

Shagrath - He gave amazing satanic vocals to EDT album, in my opinion flawless vocals. SBD was the last album where his vocals were great, after that his vocals were turning to shit, only the music was getting better and better (IMO).

Themgoroth - His vocals were very kvlt and grym on The Secrets Of The Black Arts.

Abbath - He is a legend but he sounds like Popeye.
zim18 said:
i dont know what it is but the better sounding vocals of a band that you think satan would sound like fucking totally blow my mind!

anyways heres who i think has some of the best vocals in the act....

Napalm Death

i dont know what it is but im getting into grindcore pretty badly! i picked up an origin album and stop at nothing by dying fetus, any other bands youd think id like as well?

ah, lemme take care of this....first of all, those are death metal bands

second of all, here's some grind bands to check out

Cripple Bastards
Excruciating Terror
Rotten Sound
Bathtub Shitter

have fun