Evocative lyrics


Fuck consensus reality
Dec 19, 2001
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This question has probably been posed on this forum before but I'm wondering which Opeth lyrical segments currently evoke the most emotion from our members?

Currently, I'd have to say the end verse from Moonlapse Vertigo for mine -

"I turned away my eyes
In pallor escape from the end
Fading time to leave from here
And less to fulfill my task
She would be safe and firm
Nothing of this is in vain
Taken away from stifling grace
And saved from the past"

for some reason, recently, this bit draws on my heartstrings everytime I hear it...

how's the little drum kick as the song fades out...magic stuff...simple but effective.
heres mine.. the first time i heard it i was pretty unhappy, and it really struck a chord (bad pun)

"I am so alone, so cold
My heart is too scarred to glow
I wish the sunrise to come,
take my soul (away)
From this cold, lonely shell
I am free" :cry: :cry: