
I still find man to be a phenom compared to all other species, if science didnt as well, they would not have dedicated so many decades trying to figure it out and still not able to explain it.

you don't speculate vanity; the need to understand our biology to better prevent illnesses, deformities, and in order to better achieve happiness than through liver-ruining alcohol, and brain frying ecstacy; or the nuisance of religion and its ignorance of man's ontology have anything to do with our commitment to such an endeavor?

those are at least the reasons I myself would pursue it.

We may both be right, and there might be still more reasons which individuals consider to be their personal reasons for interest in such things.
I just think its an interesting theory and if it offends the senses of the self proclaimed intelligence... all the better.

Then when you sit and think about it... it is one of the long term, possible plans or rather ideas that is currently takeing place in scientific circles. Which brings the question to me... is it that far fetched ?

Cause I still say we stand out like a sore thumb compared to all other species.

Do you know about the Sumerians and "Annunakis" legend? Sorry I know the whole story in french and don't know the terms in english but it goes like:

The sumerians had a legend, a myth, wrote and rock that tells something like "there's god from sky that came from an other earth fin cylinder (?) to take minerals. They find that to hard to do (for work conditions and all) so they "created" an hybrid species with primates to help them."

This is nothing like scientology, but just an interesting story. Pretty obvious now but if you think that Sumerians wrote that, that's a bit creepy.

Tho it may be just the interpreation and blahblah, I don't have any source so you might all check on the net or in book about that.

The "we don't come from the earth" is an interesting theory, but to be honest I don't really believe in it.

That wouldn't explain everything, if we feel so apart from the rest it's only because of our existentional questions that can't be answered, so we feel that we aren't fitting at all in the background.
nuisance of religion ? and brain frying ecstacy ? ......... all in the same sentence no less

prevent illnesses and deformities?..... all in the name of evolution... another interesting contradiction

hate to break out the truth but those that go for the people saving jobs are after the mansion & yacht
I'm not in disagreement that we most likely evolved and I dont believe in a supreme being, however Im not in total disagreement with them either. Seems both sides come up with interesting evidence from time to time.

I still find man to be a phenom compared to all other species, if science didnt as well, they would not have dedicated so many decades trying to figure it out and still not able to explain it. We go from little apes to highly efficent environment consumers and the Sabretooth Tiger becomes the stupid house cat thats sitting here annoying me now.

sabertooth's went extinct, they didn't evolve into house cats
nuisance of religion ? and brain frying ecstacy ? ......... all in the same sentence no less
just to be clear, I was referring to the illicit drug.

prevent illnesses and deformities?..... all in the name of evolution... another interesting contradiction

are you playing dumb, or is this just how you are?

not 'all in the name of evolution', read the fuckin sentence. understanding our nature and that of our world in the name of direct benefits to my own personal experience of life.
sabertooth's went extinct, they didn't evolve into house cats

the point was once Sabretooths now housecats
once ape like "men" now what ever it is we are.

the rest of the animal kingdom isnt doing a very good job "keeping up with the Jones"

just extinction of species shows lack of evolution and adaptation
just to be clear, I was referring to the illicit drug.

just to be clear so was I

are you playing dumb, or is this just how you are?

not dumb but yes that is just how I am, dont get upset for pointing out inconsistance or contradictory ideas. The part about your personal interests was easily understood but did not negate some of the implications of the preceding paragraph.
The American ************** and insurance industries are not at all like true philanthropist industries.

EDIT: What the fuck? Can someone please explain why the word "farm-a-suit-i-cal" is blocked?

yes I know, I didnt mean to imply that. One is curious which I fully understand, the other greedy and manipulitive in many instances. I was just saying they are still at it because its all still somewhat of a mystery
the rest of the animal kingdom isnt doing a very good job "keeping up with the Jones"

again, demonstrating your lack of understanding of evolution.

a cockroach doesn't need an opposable thumb and a handgun. and if it did, if that pressure came upon the species quicker than those more suited to the new environment could breed a sustainable population, then yea, they might go extinct.

...if you look at bacterial resistence to common antibiotics, or global warming, in fifty years it might be fit to say we're doing a shit job keeping up with the microJones'.

...you can look at things in the animal kingdom evolving less successfully than us, or more than us...you can't just pick one and claim that's support of what you wish evolution meant.
the rest of the animal kingdom isnt doing a very good job "keeping up with the Jones"
Evolution isn't the type of thing that happens over such a short period of time as the few generations that humans have had an impact for. Our technological presence is very new by evolutionary standards.
just extinction of species shows lack of evolution and adaptation
No it doesn't, because extinction is a natural part of evolution. In fact, while species are currently dying off at a rate estimated to match that of what affected the dinosaurs, it's still not the fastest or most encompassing extinction that the earth has ever seen. The great Permian extinction still has our current one beat by a long short.
I wasnt aware we needed the thumb for a handgun either. lol

My understanding so far is where ever all species split that was the end of it and it cant reoccur. But somehow it just doesnt make any sense. Basically all animals are still toiling around on the ground, in the wild, fighting for survival with a short lifespan... still grunting, growling and posturing for communication...... yet here we are (for better or worse).... just because we stopped dragging our knuckles ?????? Seems like awfully lucky odds to me.
Evolution isn't the type of thing that happens over such a short period of time as the few generations that humans have had an impact for. Our technological presence is very new by evolutionary standards.

No it doesn't, because extinction is a natural part of evolution. In fact, while species are currently dying off at a rate estimated to match that of what affected the dinosaurs, it's still not the fastest or most encompassing extinction that the earth has ever seen. The great Permian extinction still has our current one beat by a long short.

I realize that (par 1) unless you are also talking the many thousand years of comunications. I suppose that is short in the big scheme of things as well. Yeah, we're on a hell of a roll, now by gosh, just over 100 yrs. since the industrial rev.... scary

par II - Climate has been in our favor and we not in the favor of many species

its a whole nother topic but makes me wonder what the predictions of our extinction are, few thousand more years ? Will the sun give us that much time ? Things like that.
the point was once Sabretooths now housecats
once ape like "men" now what ever it is we are.

the rest of the animal kingdom isnt doing a very good job "keeping up with the Jones"

just extinction of species shows lack of evolution and adaptation

actually extinction shows problems with the creation hypothesis. why would god create a species only to allow it to go extinct? is he so inept that 99% of creations die out? extinction is exactly what we expect in an evolutionary scenario. those animals that are able to adapt to chaning environmental pressures go on to reproduce while those that cannot die out entirely.
actually extinction shows problems with the creation hypothesis. why would god create a species only to allow it to go extinct? is he so inept that 99% of creations die out? extinction is exactly what we expect in an evolutionary scenario. those animals that are able to adapt to chaning environmental pressures go on to reproduce while those that cannot die out entirely.

First of all, it's not inconceivable, if you believe in God, to believe that it was part of the plan instead of him being all like "Oh fuck, not again!" every time it happened.
Second, creation and evolution can coexist, and they do, unless ou live in Alabama (no disrespect to Alabama, I love their BBQ).
First of all, it's not inconceivable, if you believe in God, to believe that it was part of the plan instead of him being all like "Oh fuck, not again!" every time it happened.
Second, creation and evolution can coexist, and they do, unless ou live in Alabama (no disrespect to Alabama, I love their BBQ).

yes of course... however i think it fits an evolutionary scenario better... in any case the idea that extinction goes against evolutionary theory is ludicrous
extinction in many instances, such as one of the Sabretooths possibilities, does show the inability to futher evolve and adapt as the environment slowly changed. It was just a quick example I guess I shouldnt have used but I really didnt think it would be interpretated on its technicality. I suppose I should have said Monkeys are still swinging from trees yet only one assumed family line became us. I just wanted to get away from the monkey thing and the Sabretooth and my silly cat that was actually annoying me at the time poped in my head. Your making more of it than I meant, but ol Sabretooth did fail in its continued evolution... this didnt mean I feel the earth and all its glory was created in 6 days. Todays antichrists get too worked up about whether someone believes in the ancient books or supreme being, so what if they do ? Its their prerogative and possibly the least harmful of human choices. It is possible however to not believe the ancient books and still say.... "WOW, the human species sticks out like a sore thumb by comparision to all others" and ponder how that came to be, which is exactly what science has done and may also have been the cause for the writing of the ancient books as well. But then we were not there were we ?