Exceptionally Cool Movie Fight Sequences


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
List really, really great fight sequences that make you hit the rewind button and watch immediately again...

The Last Samurai: The Samurai vs. Ninja fight.

Holy fuck! That is just an incredible fight sequence with both Ninja and Samurai slaughtering each other. Even Tom Cruise did a good job acting that one out, and he normally looks like a twat when he fights - anyone seen Mission Impossible 2? :loco: Anyway, The Last Samurai is not a great movie (desperately trying to be another Braveheart, Dances with Wolves, or Gladiator), but certain bits are already legendary.
Boromir's last stand in LOTR is probably the coolest fight scene I can remember in recent memory.

Mickey vs. Gorgeous George in Snatch, haha.

The dojo fight in the Matrix with Morpheus and Mr. Whoa.

OH! The wizard fight in the Sword in the Stone! That shit rules!!!

Bruce Lee, any. I actually got a black eye once watching him stretch out in one scene.

The first of sevearl lady fights in the beginning of Crouching Tiger is the best part of the movie.
OK I have two others...

Lord of the Rings: Legolas takes on the cavetroll in FotR, or when he takes on an Oliphaunt and its crew in RotK.

Battle Royale: When the girl stabs the guy in the bollocks. I literally grabbed my crotch when I saw that.

Imagine if you mixed LotR with BR...


Hahahaha, the implications of that tubby bitch are infinite!!!

Yeah, I yelled and reached for my sack at that point in Battle Royale. Yeech. :ill:

From the quick shots of Brad Pitt in the Troy previews, the fight scenes look of most excellent quality.

Oh fuck dude, I can't believe either of us forgot The Black Night vs. King Arthur!!! "CHICKEN!" :lol:

Cannonball vs. that one dude's head in Glory (I think it was in that movie anyhow).
I love the fight scene in Unbreakable. Nothing fancy, but it's within this fight scene Bruce Willis is exposed to his weakness, and finally comes to terms that he is basically invincible (except for water).
Pick any of the classic Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan (his old stuff like 'Drunken Master', or 'Snake in Eagle's Shadow') they rock.

Another oldie fight sequence has go to Rocky III. Man, that is a killer fight between him and Clubbber Lang (? spelling also sounds chinesey!!) Man, I wanna beat his ass!
theres an old jet li movie with an entire fight just on poles and peoples heads an shit. if they touch the ground they lose. i cant remember the name.
Street Fighter II anime - Chun Li fighting the claw dude after she's just come out of the shower :cool:
The burly brawl at the end of Matrix Revolutions - say what you want about the rest of the movie, but if that's not one of the most breathtakingly spectacular pieces of action photography in the last fifty years, I'll lick clingers from my own ass-beard.

The gunfight where Antonio Banderas runs across the bar in Desperado.

Anything John Woo filmed before Hollywood turned him into a soul-less hack.
NAD said:
Bruce Lee, any. I actually got a black eye once watching him stretch out in one scene.
Haha, that was in Way of the Dragon, although it was probably called something else in the US (Return of the Dragon?). His stretching routine before he kills Chuck Norris should have had the Texas Ranger running away already.

The best Bruce Lee fight scene was also in WotD - behind the restaurant when the thugs come round for a fight, and Bruce pulls out two nunchaku and whoops them upside the head.
It was called Enter the Dragon over here. Fucking Americans, like changing Harry Potter to "and the SORCERER'S Stone" because Philosopher's Stone might piss off the religious right, EVEN THOUGH IF YOU'VE READ ANYTHING ABOUT ALCHEMY THAT'S THE FUCKING NAME OF THE GOD DAMN ROCK!!! :mad:

Need to get a fight scene between myself and the censor board. :loco:

The last fight scene in Matrix was one of the dumbest things I've ever seen, what a terrible TERRIBLE way to put a cap on that trilogy. I don't expect you to lick clingers from your own ass-beard though, dill. :lol:
NAD said:
It was called Enter the Dragon over here.
No no, that was the universal title and a different film altogether. Way of the Dragon (or Return of the Dragon) was the movie set in Rome, Italy and ended on a fight sequence in the colleseum between Chuck Norris and Bruce Lee.
Hwang Jang Lee vs. anybody in any movie
Bruce Lee vs. Ji Han Jae, A Warrior's Journey (Game of Death)
Bruce Lee vs. entire Japanese dojo, Fist of Fury
Bruce Lee vs. Chuck Norris, Way of The Dragon
Bruce Lee vs. Bob Wall, Enter The Dragon
Jackie Chan vs. Ken Lo, Drunken Master II
Jackie Chan vs. Benny "The Jet" Urquidez, Wheels On Meals
Jackie Chan vs. Benny "The Jet" Urquidez, Dragons Forever
Jackie Chan vs. Whang In Sik, Young Master
Jackie Chan & Sammo Hung & Yeun Biao vs. Dick Wei, Project A
Jet Li vs. Billy Chow, Fist of Legend
any movie with Sammo Hung vs. Lau Kar Wing
Yuen Biao vs. Frankie Chan, The Prodigal Son

and many more...
Dinobots vs. Unicron is the best


fuck yeh. the transformers movie is the greatest piece of cinematic art ever produced.

"Who dares disrupt my coronation!?"