Exclusive interview with Peter Lindgren!!

I was qurious what Peter was up to now. And I thought that it might be of interest for the fans to know that too...and being the fanclub-President and all, I thought: -What the heck, let´s talk to him! So Mikael´s wife Anna, asked him for me...and the rest is history!
I´ve just sent the interview to Peter for his approval! So...if he´s fast reader...we might be able to read it soon....

Another teaser: If Peter only could listen to one artist for the rest of his life....who would that be...?? Can you guess?

/The Prez
Peter will read the interview tonight (Monday) and come back to me as soon as possible!
Hopefully, there´s not too many fuck ups.
So...I hope you all can read it soon!
I am really curious what Peter thinks about Mikael's interview where he commented on the amount of musical input from other members. From what Mikael says they are still friends so I cant imagine any bad blood exists but I would like to hear the other side of the story.
I think a lot of your questions will be answered when you read the interview...
It´s monday evening now and I haven´t heard from him yet...but I hope he will get back to me soon...he knows that you guys are waiting!