Exit music(for a forum)


Sleeping With Ghosts
Jun 11, 2002
i bet i'm the 1000th person to state this,but everytime i happen to enter this forum i find it harder and harder to make out some meaning in all this thing,as a whole.Many things have rotten and still rot,rapidly.The ideas,the humour,the imagination,the intentions,the quality,the general standards.

It's more like a mental wasteland,like a public web-whore(everybody throws their hangups,their vice,their stupidity,madness and whatever occurs in their train of thought in this small,black,web-hole).

Censorship was frowned upon in the past of this forum,but is exhausting freedom and democracy good either?

A couple of you may jump to the easiest,more expected(and boring)responses,but at least people who have spent quite some time here(years,months?),cannot deny they noticed the landslide.Things have just got out of proportion...

It's not a big issue at all(compared to other issues meaning)and i'm not trying to magnify the importance of the matter,i've just been here for a year and it's a pity to look at all this mess. Decent people i know stopped posting because of this.

But fuck it all,drink your booze,i just added a post more to our beloved wasteland,dont pay attention,i do not exist,nahhhhhh :erk:
come on now,i didnt open this thread for people to come and say sorry or anything...i just expressed my opinion like a decent civilian,like the voice of a hermit in a vast desert :ill: i'm glad someone heard it at least:)

and to avoid any nasty replies:everybody has his serious,funny,good,bad moments.im not saying we shall be reduced to a museum-exhibit-seriousness forum.everything is good,but if kept under proportion.
TOO MUCH of anything,merely anything,is harmful and not good :Spin:
youre right. i cant get a clue out of some of the 'discussions' here :ill:
i dont even try to understand them....
maybe we should change the rules here.

because most of the nonsense told here is between yanks and brits. and a few who are quite good in english. so my proposal is to change the language to greek or dutch or maybe french. so practising another language as well :cool:
Let us not "demonify" certain parties or people.This was a message for everybody,either british greek or japanese:ill:
rules?dont forget our moderator even abandoned his duties some time ago.here is the practical web-depiction of anarchy.
Mariner said:
maybe we should change the rules here.

because most of the nonsense told here is between yanks and brits. and a few who are quite good in english. so my proposal is to change the language to greek or dutch or maybe french. so practising another language as well :cool:

farewell my friend then...:yell: ;)

you're right sophia there's a lot of silly trash talk here at the moment, but still one can get some interesting information now and then. So maybe this will change with the release of the new album, maybe...who knows. I hope you and everyone who posts less the last time will keep watching the foum still.

cheers mate
something else. there not a lot of new members hitting this board. maybe they get frightened because of all the shit

Lets start a poll with the question what people think. This is important for the band. dont get me wrong i love to fun but complete nonsense is too much. There's a serious poll coming.
oh it might be annoying. i dont pay attention anymore, but potential new members are frightened with all the nonsense. and most important of all, should we behave like this if the new album comes out? then we shouldnt have a forum anymore. because all serious threads will turn out non informative. as usual...
There seems to be a situation now in which the patrons of this forum are submitting excessive humourous (often bordering on the ridiculous) observations in a very simple (and possibly very working class!!) version of the English language. I suggest that thus patrons refrain from this 'common speak' and revert to intellectual discussion in relation to the artist/artists referred to as 'Anathema'.
If, however, the aforementioned patrons cannot fulfill this simple obligation then thus shalt partake in a period of zero submissions on this particular UM discussion forum.