Exit music(for a forum)

Strangelight said:
There seems to be a situation now in which the patrons of this forum are submitting excessive humourous (often bordering on the ridiculous) observations in a very simple (and possibly very working class!!) version of the English language. I suggest that thus patrons refrain from this 'common speak' and revert to intellectual discussion in relation to the artist/artists referred to as 'Anathema'.
If, however, the aforementioned patrons cannot fulfill this simple obligation then thus shalt partake in a period of zero submissions on this particular UM discussion forum.

Noooooooooooooooooooooo!!!! If the aforementioned patrons cease to post, the intellectual discussion will be found devoid of any worthwile material, therefore, verging on the tedious.

this is all you guys!
Strangelight said:
There seems to be a situation now in which the patrons of this forum are submitting excessive humourous (often bordering on the ridiculous) observations in a very simple (and possibly very working class!!) version of the English language. I suggest that thus patrons refrain from this 'common speak' and revert to intellectual discussion in relation to the artist/artists referred to as 'Anathema'.
If, however, the aforementioned patrons cannot fulfill this simple obligation then thus shalt partake in a period of zero submissions on this particular UM discussion forum.

I'll just get me coat so :erk:
i'm pleased to get the response i knew i'd get from certain individuals...despite me making my intentions clear,which were simple and no other than re-obtaining a relative balance in the forum,i saw irony in abundance.i can just raise an eyebrow with scientific interest :Puke: :Puke:
anyway.the ones who were to get the whatever message,got it,tho.cheers guys;)
Morpheus said:
you're right sophia there's a lot of silly trash talk here at the moment, but still one can get some interesting information now and then. So maybe this will change with the release of the new album, maybe...who knows. I hope you and everyone who posts less the last time will keep watching the foum still.

cheers mate

completely agreed there!of course im not saying everything is bullshit,or the opposite"everything is good".i just think that a middle solution would be the best.we won't die from unbearable sadness if it doesnt happen tho.we just made a civilised comment on the present situation*twists tip of moustache slowly* :Smug: :Smug:

cheers Thorsten :cool: