EXODUS/MEGADETH - Tuesday Nov. 23 - Red's - Edmonton, AB Canada


Membrum virile
Jul 28, 2003
Not Siberia
With former Kings of Thrash Metallica taking bands such as Limp Donut and Linkin' Log out on tour, witnessing a pure thrash and speed metal onslaught of Famed MEGADETH and EXODUS on tour is nothing short of amazing and a MONUMENT of true thrash/speed metal attack. (I'm specifically setting them apart because I know that Jaykeeley would rip my head off over the distinctions between thrash and speed metal :loco: )

Now, where was I? ah yes...


EXODUS slayed. I'm not really familiar with a lot of their work, but they played all the classics: Bonded by Blood, Toxic Waltz, And Then There Were None, etc. while playing a number from their new album, which by no means is any less ferocious than their previous material. You could see all the old timers coming out for this one. One old dude next to me and my buddy was calling all the kids in the pit punks and going "haha! I can buy beer!!!!" Very fun. Exodus opened with the Scar Spangled Banner from Tempo of the Damned and played two encores after Toxic Waltz, neither of which I can remember. The new vocalist was a great improvement over the last one, as I remember watching the Tempo of the Damned release party webcast and couldn't help but thinking that they borrowed the guy from AC/DC for their album. Altogether great performance, LOTS of energy with the band and a lot of energy given back by the audience. Exodus told us that we were the most insane crowd on the tour and I can only imagine that's a hard thing to come by.

MEGADETH: One of my life goals to see Megadeth (albeit Dave Mustaine + 3 hired guns) has been accomplished. No less, Dave seemed angrier than ever and went to his task of giving us a set of classic 'deth tunes as well as a good selection of material from the new album. Sadly, only a three songs from Rust In Peace were played (Holy Wars, Tornado of Souls, Hangar 18) but thankfully only one from Cryptic Writings (Trust) and the rest were pre-Cryptic Writings. If I remember correctly they played Wake Up Dead, Peace Sells, Set The World Afire, In My Darkest Hour, Holy Wars, Hangar 18, Tornado of Souls, Skin 'o my teeth, Symphony of Destruction, sweating bullets, angry again, Reckoning Day, A Tout Le Monde, Trust, and a bunch of new tunes: the only ones I can remember Blackmail the universe, kick the chair & Back in the Day but I'm sure that there was one or two more. Fucking unreal. Mustaine gave a heartfelt speech about us sticking together and how that no one could stop us together. He also mentioned that he hadn't been to Edmonton in 13 years, so it was a big thing for him to come back now. During "Back in the Day" Exodus took the stage with Megadeth and sang the chorus along with them; a dedication monument to the good old days. Dave insisted that it wasn't a big four, but a big five with Exodus included in with the usually grouped Slayer, Megadeth, Metallica, Anthrax. Altogether great show, the crowd was very energetic and despite moshing and crowdsurfing being banned... well, you can't stop that at a Megadeth/Exodus show. After the show I was going to get a shirt and they had these nice Megadeth/Exodus shirts, but they cost $35 (cheapest shirts other than babydolls; for girly girls, although metalskater7 might think otherwise) and I was short $5, ehh, shirts shouldn't cost more than $25 anyway 'jeez.

Thrash metal is alive and well. With new Kreator, Sodom, Death Angel, Exodus & Megadeth albums already here or on the way, thrash is making a comeback and the intensity of the shows are reflecting that.
get the live one ... ANOTHER LESSON IN VIOLENCE ... beleive me ... amazing !!!

great show review. I missed them on this leg with Megadeth, but saw them in April here in NY,and they always slay ... another band like Slayer that is just always ON.

I feel bad for them though, as everytime they are on the verge of something big ... something bad happens to them. they have been cursed since Hammet left them in the early days.
I've always wanted to see Megadeth but the thought of them playing without Ellefson just completely turned me off. I can handle a revolving guitarist and drummer but Ellefson is my favorite metal bassist EVAR, so yeah. I'll just stick with the new CD instead.
someone mentioned somewhere ... why does Mustaine call the current incarnation of his band Megadeth?

it's like Axl, calling his current lineup Guns 'n Roses ...
I'm sure I would've enjoyed 'deth just as much as you did, but I just couldn't bring myself to go. Oh well.
lurch70 said:
someone mentioned somewhere ... why does Mustaine call the current incarnation of his band Megadeth?

it's like Axl, calling his current lineup Guns 'n Roses ...
Yeah Mustaine probably counts as 80% of Megadeth, but Guns and Roses RUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUULED for a few years there. You cannot deny the awesome power of Locomotive! :kickass: :kickass: :kickass:
Great, great review NicodemiX!!!!!! Glad you enjoyed - how were Megadeth's sound? They used to be notorious for having a shit PA system.

For a while I've been hunting down the Peace Sells shirt that has the "definition" of Megadeth written on the back. Something like:

Defn; Mega-Death:
1. One million people killed in thermo-nuclear attack...blah blah
2. Speed Metal band...blah blah

Secondly, guys, what is Megadeth if it's not Dave Mustaine? Yeah, I know Ellefson was a lifelong partner, heh, but you cannot have Megadeth without Mustaine, making everyone else, to an extent, expendable. I therefore think Mustaine is 100% Megadeth, the douchebag that he can be....

By the way, there are different incarnations of 'Deth anyway, so on the record he had Chris Poland, and on the road he has Nick Menza....so if anything, we could say this is 50% Megadeth.

Now, let me go to my excel application and create a pie chart..... :loco:

P.S. "The System has Failed" was originally intended to be a Dave Mustaine record, but he changed his mind at the last minute, wanting one more 'Deth output. But from now on, everything will be 'Dave Mustaine' and plenty angry.

Great thrash comeback year it was....most comebacks suck, but Megadeth, Exodus, and Death Angel creating great comeback records? That's unheard of.
well some bands definetelly feel like they are fronted by personalities and everyone else is a hired hand ... no matter what.

Megadeth and Death come to mind ... most of you, I am sure can give me some more obscure examples.
The sound was fookin' awesome! One of the clearest live sounds I've ever heard. I didn't even have to put in some earplugs to block out the excess noise; it was just right.
That's good, it only took them 20 years to get a decent road crew then.

Saw them in 1990, and it took for Mustaine to sing "Welcome to our fortress tall...." before even realizing it was "Hangar 18". All you could hear was 'hhsssssss shhhhhhhh shhshshhhh shshshshshs". Who would have believed that 10 years later, we'd all be listening to black metal without complaint? :loco: