Exodus' Tempo Of The Damned - A mallcore album?

Poison God Machine

Oct 23, 2004
Bennington, VT
I was discussing this over on another board, and a lot of people over there think that Tempo Of The Damned is "wigger metal". This is my favorite album of the year, and I don't see any nu-metal tendencies on this album. Some people pointed to the "you're crucifucked and you're out of luck" line as being wigger, but I didn't hear it when I heard "Shroud Of Urine". And they also said that Gary Holt has a love for rap or something like that.

So what's your take on this album - nu-metal or not? I say it's not even close. The people who call this album "wigger metal" can kiss my ass.
Poison God Machine said:
I was discussing this over on another board, and a lot of people over there think that Tempo Of The Damned is "wigger metal". This is my favorite album of the year, and I don't see any nu-metal tendencies on this album. Some people pointed to the "you're crucifucked and you're out of luck" line as being wigger, but I didn't hear it when I heard "Shroud Of Urine". And they also said that Gary Holt has a love for rap or something like that.

So what's your take on this album - nu-metal or not? I say it's not even close. The people who call this album "wigger metal" can kiss my ass.

Those people should be shot.
TOTD=Thrash........With a modern feel..........Gary Holt does'nt listen to Rap.....He likes R&B......Prince, The Time, Etc......Tell those people that say Mallcore that......And throw in that if you think Exo is Mallcore or Wigger Music......Then they know alot more than me on that music, cause I never listen to it.....at all......... :erk:
The real funny thing about this discussion over at Lapland Metal is that people were mentioning they thought Exodus' Tempo Of The Damned was "wigger"... in a Pagan's Mind thread I started. My sig at Lapland is practically identical to the one I use here, and the guy (who had been banned previously for flaming or something like that) derailed the thread with the first reply to my Pagan's Mind thread. And then it went off from there.
What a bunch of retards. TO tell you the truth though, I actually didnt really care for this album that much. I didnt think It was Nu metal or wigger or anything but for some reason I just didnt find it as appealing. Ill give it a second listen just to maek sure though. I bought Testaments the GATHERIng and TOTD and I listened to The gathering alot more.
Poison God Machine said:
Yeah, I'd agree. Both are excellent, but I prefer The Gathering myself.

I actually think that The Gathering is probably the most important thrash album of the last five years.

Yeah when you look at the A - listers on that album its hard to not pick it apart and realize ...... ITS PERFECT!!

Its like a thrash/death metal wet dream wrapped up in a nice jewel case with naked serpent chicks on the front.