Exodus - Tempo Of the Damned question for Andy ....


Jun 3, 2004
Hi Andy and people of the board! I got this question i wanted to ask about the Exodus Tempo Of the Damned ,.,,, I wanted to know, What amps and guitar pickups did Gary and Rick used on the album .... i really dig that tone they have on the album!

Well thanks in Advance!! :kickass:
Brett - K A L I S I A said:
Because you can get a great sound out of most gear on the market if you know how to deal with it :)

I know how to deal with pretty much everything. I know that HZ pickups have a very low output also.
Suicide_As_Alibi said:
So what? Low output doesn't make them rubbish. If you can get a good sound out of it (which most people seem to think Exodus did on TOTD), what does it matter?

First of all, I think that the guitars sound great on "Tempo..."

There's no way that you're gonna play with HZ's live if you have other guitars that have active or even regular humbuckers. Unless you have a specific patch or something that gives an extra gain boost when you grab the guitar with the HZ's in it, it's not gonna work.

Basically, I'm trying to figure out what Gary's (or whoever) reasoning is for using those pickups because, on their own, they aren't loud enough for high gain guitar sounds.

I'd like to hear what Andy thinks about those pickups, and what he does when someone he's working with wants to use them.
metalkingdom said:
I know how to deal with pretty much everything. I know that HZ pickups have a very low output also.

nah, they don't.
That's my opinion through personal experience....i.e. direct replacement in the same guitar, with recordings taking before and after using the EXACT same levels and setup.
Andy Sneap said:
it sounded good with the hz's pick ups into that amp. Simple really. 81's were too much.

That must have been a vicious amp. Was it one of yours or the band's? Also, I guess they had the 81's in the bridge then, as well? Do you think 81's or 85's sound best in the bridge, or does it all depend on the amp/player? I'm replacing my HZ's for the 81/85 setup and I want it to be right the first time.

I know that everyone will want to chime in, but I've pretty much heard everybody else's opinion about these pickups.
martyfireball said:
nah, they don't.
That's my opinion through personal experience....i.e. direct replacement in the same guitar, with recordings taking before and after using the EXACT same levels and setup.

I have a guitar that came with those pickups, and I'll tell you through "personal experience" that they have a very low output. So will a shitload of other people who have HZ's. If you check out the user reviews on harmonycentral, you'll find that most of the complaints about these pickups are with their output. I didn't need to see the reviews to know that, either. I have 5 electric guitars (all equipped with humbuckers) and the HZ's are by far the least ballsy. I had to create a couple of special patches (just for this guitar with the HZ's) on my pedalboard just to have enough gain. They sound good if they get a pretty serious boost. I'll be changing the HZ's to 81/85's very soon. Wanna buy 'em?
Hi just wanted to ask also did Gary use the Duncan Custom in his guitar for the New album Shovel Headed Kill Machine?

For the new album the tone is kind of funny ... i don't know how to describe it ... can any one come up with some terms or words?

espeically when the they do palm mutes ....
