Andy Sneap
Metal Guru
Look, it's not difficult, it sounded good with that combination, player, gtr, head, cab etc. There's no rules, I can't stress that anymore. The Jackson we had with the 81 had too much gain with the Marshall.
So... the... gain... knob... on... the... Marshall... was........ broken?Andy Sneap said:The Jackson we had with the 81 had too much gain with the Marshall.
waaaaah ha ha ha ha ha... kinda like asking the dogs not to sniff each other's assholes.Andy Sneap said:no it wasn't broken, it suited the gain of the marshall better. Now quit being dumb.
Andy Sneap said:no it wasn't broken, it suited the gain of the marshall better. Now quit being dumb.
EtherForBreakfast said:I'm going to dodge the various colored hand bags and ladies purses flying about in this thread...
If you have a doubt about which album has better guitars, to YOU, listen to Raze, and then listen to scar spangled.. the difference is obvious.. the guitars on Shovel Head are MUCH more brutal and satisfying than those on Tempo... IMO of course.
Nebulous - dont mind metalkingdom.. he is an opinionated cat.. we all are.
I'll add some media:
4 seconds of guitars. which one do you prefer? One is tempo.. one is shovel head. pretty obvious. =) dont sue me RIAA.. they are only 4 seconds each: