Exothrash tone test!


Cereal Shipping Sneapster
Dec 17, 2008
Long Beach, New York
This is my first post here in a while, guys. A fellow forumite who purchased a custom impulse wanted a tone that was a Hybrid between Formation of Damnation and Exhibit B.

Dean Vendetta with Duncan Custom (my main axe)->Maxon OD-820 Pro->ISP Decimator->5150 III->Engl Pro Cabinet->SM57->SCA A12->RME Fireface 800 A/D

Nothing but a HP and LP:


Sneap, if you hear this per chance, I hope it makes you proud :)

I think you guys are going to dig it.
Wow!!!! This IS an Exodus tone!!! Good job Greg!!!

Interesting to see a 5150 III and Engl Pro Cab.. I was expecting a Mesa Cab for that.

What do you think of the SCA A12? Do you drive it hard? Does it add much to the tone?
Thanks :)

It's a stellar preamp. I don't drive it super hard at all. I just drive it enough to get the signal hot enough into the A/D converter. I had the amp on like 3.2 post volume.