Experiencing a bit of a crisis!

x L3G4CY o

New Metal Member
Apr 21, 2010
So, here's the deal; I love metal, have since I was young, but I feel like I'm trapped in a rut. I really want to find some new, exciting music. Lately I've been enjoying prog metal a lot, but still, I feel like I haven't really "discovered" anything new for a while. So I want to build a bit of a small catalog of bands and albums to listen to.

So in short, I would be extremely appreciative of you guys if you can help me to add some names to my list of bands to check out. But I want it to be, for lack of a better word, "exciting," I want music that builds an amazing sonic landscape, along the lines of Tool, kinda. But heavier.

Some bands I've been listening to lately:
*Arsis (really just their first album)
*Chimp Spanner
*Devin Townsend Project/Strapping Young Lad
*The Ocean

Really do appreciate anything that may come to mind, and I'd just like to note that I'm not asking for anything genre specific, but overall I'd love to discover some new progressive, experimental, or "djent" bands, and specific albums you might suggest would be cool too. Thanks in advance to anyone who may reply.
Pagan's Mind
Between the Buried & Me
The Safety Fire
Seventh Wonder

If you check any of those out and like them let me know what you think and I could recommend others based on some of those. That list is a bit all over the place as well.

They still kick ass though if you have broad musical taste.

Even though they've brought in that 70s vibe the last couple albums I still consider it to have a metallic edge (as I don't like most pompous 70s music as is). Still creative, progressive and killer musicianship.

That said, I was mainly referring to their pre-Heritage output based on his request.
Been trying out all the suggestions, and just wanted to thank you guys. Vangough is really good. Also I had recently discovered Ne Obliviscaris and really like them as well. Still sifting through some of the bands, but killer suggestions in here.
Any more bands along the lines of what is here so far would be cool, if this thread is still alive.
Thanks again everyone.