Extreme fear of death

Fighting through two bouts of Leukemia including two bone marrow transplants has taken away my fear of death, but has also given me a greater appreciation of the road towards this inevitable end. I treasure each and every day that I awake, each moment with family and friends, and each breath in this life I'm leading. I no longer fear death, I respect it and accept that someday it will come, perhaps tomorrow, perhaps many years from now, but I cannot let that change the magic of each day that I wake up and welcome the morning.
Im not the least bit afraid of death.. in fact, almost the opposite!
Im not suicidal, but damn, dying would pretty much solve all my problems! :lol:
Some of you might think this is weird way of thinking about it but...

my fear is not death but the fear of not being alive to tell myself "ok dude your dead now"
if i could only tell myself "ok your dead now" then i would die happy but when i die if im able to tell myself "your dead now" then it means im not dead yet in which case i wont get to tell myself im dead and i'll freak out in a semi dead conscious state which i think would be one of the scariest things ever. you cant scream, move, everything is dark and your still conscious in your head.

Those few seconds are going to be horrible for me - im seriously considering freezing my body after im dead. (it only costs around 25,000) that way just before i die i can tell myself "your not dead because they are going to wake you up in 100 years" in which case i hope they do wake me up so i can see the future AND i hope they dont wake me up EVER so that i stay dead and never get a chance to tell myself "your dead now" that way my last thought would have been "your not dead because they're going to wake you up in 100 years" tricking my semi conscious pre dead mind into relaxing right i die.

i spent a long ass time thinking about that over the last few years

...jesus that was a mind fuck
my fear is not death but the fear of not being alive to tell myself "ok dude your dead now"
if i could only tell myself "ok your dead now" then i would die happy but when i die if im able to tell myself "your dead now" then it means im not dead yet in which case i wont get to tell myself im dead and i'll freak out in a semi dead conscious state which i think would be one of the scariest things ever. you cant scream, move, everything is dark and your still conscious in your head.

So you've never experienced sleep paralysis? It's pretty much like that (though you might hallucinate too), and you don't even need to die to experience it.
WHAT!!! Oh christ no! i didn't know that existed!! you mean you wake up and you cant move or shit like that? fucking hell thats scary!

i can honestly say it never happened to me before!
I'm glad this thread came around actually. You have no idea how many days I've spent thinking of this... it spans over a couple of years. Think I started thinking about it when I was 19 and stopped at 21 or so, and I'm 22 now.

In the beginning of that period, I was deperately hoping to find a religion or just something to convince myself that the end is not the end. Everytime I saw a science article tearing religions up, I was feeling really ill because I wanted to believe. I've had like anxiety attacks and shit because of thinking about this, and I've tried to "understand" the meaning of not existing and it really fucked my brain up. But then, as most others in this thread, I came to the conclusion that I have already been dead once (before I was born) so why would it be horrible to die again? What I haven't figured out yet though is if this also means that If I have been dead once already and then born... what stops me from being born again after I'm dead once more? Not me as in Erkan but ... just something else. Whatever, it's totally mindfuck to think about this for too long :)

Whatever happens, it's kinda cool to know that EVERY SINGLE PIECE of you will return to the planet and the universe after you die. We know this as a fact and that is a damn cool thing if you ask me. It almost gives life a meaning somehow... like the matter in the universe is used for building things (lifeforms and shit) and experiencing stuff, before dissolving again to form new stuff. What is the universe, why the fuck does it exist and where the fuck is it heading and how can it exist like this, as a bubble? Wouldn't it have to BE in something to be able to exist, to be able to have a location at all? Yeah, total mind fuck. I really do wish I could be as "simple" as the generic science dudes who simply wave everything off and say "it just is". It would make things so much easier :) Luckily though, I don't think about these things as much anymore, just trying to live my life. (Yes I do realize some mathematician has a burning urge to ask me where the location of an arbitrary coordination system is, and that it's the same thing with the Big Bang but still... :D)
I grew up as a reformed Jew, and I actually think the general views on death line up pretty with my own. I'm not a religious person really in the slightest, but I have a great appreciation for the immense power of our earth and nature in general. Most reformed Jews say that when you die your body/soul/whatever goes back to be with god. There isn't really a heaven, and you won't have funfilled family reunion as soon as you die, but your body and soul will be in peace, and the cycle of life will continue. The idea that my body, buried in a plain pine box, will return to the earth as quickly as possible is pretty comforting. I make a point every day to live my life to its fullest, to learn as much as I can, and to leave as much of a positive influence on this world as I can. I don't see god as an end goal, but rather as a metaphor for my re-entrance into the circle of life.
i dont believe in reincarnation reason being...

"survives death to be reborn in a new body" quote taken from wiki.

reincarnation means when you die you come back in another body. scientists have proven that the universe is going to end by simply collapsing in on itself until there is nothing left. no debris, no suns, no gas, no dark matter, no antimatter, just absolutely nothing so what are you suppose to reincarnate into? nothingness? its impossible because you cant reincarnate into nothing..if you do you'll die!

so maybe reincarnation is true (i dont think so) but it has to stop at some time in give it a few million billion years when there is nothing left. i would hate to be the last Buddhist alive at that time!

im going to stick with freezing my body thanks very much :)
im going to stick with freezing my body thanks very much :)

And im going to ruin it for you: Freezing your body basically destroys your internal organs, including the brain AND they inject you with a toxic to prevent your blood from freezing(Which would cause your blood vessels to burst.).. so you literally kill your self by doing it, and making it impossible for you to be revived later.

However, you could put your self in a suspended animation, which basically means that they replace ~50% of your blood with saline, drop your body temperature down to 10 degrees Celsius, and then put you on life support.
This has been tested on dogs and pigs with a 90% success rate, however, no one knows what it will do to your body in the long term.. so yah.. y'er screwed! :lol:
And im going to ruin it for you: Freezing your body basically destroys your internal organs, including the brain AND they inject you with a toxic to prevent your blood from freezing(Which would cause your blood vessels to burst.).. so you literally kill your self by doing it, and making it impossible for you to be revived later.

cryogenic freezing does not destroy your organs since the process of freezing prevents the water in your body from crystallizing which is what causes the damage, therefor no toxins needed, if the process uses slow controlled freezing.
scientists have proven that the universe is going to end by simply collapsing in on itself until there is nothing left.

They have? I thought that was still a theory, along with the other theories about the universe expanding until the point it enters "heat death" in which case it can be considered totally dead since nothing will "happen" in the universe. Although... even if that happens, the X, Y and Z dimensions would still exist wouldn't they? So there would still be "something" left in the universe :)

Let's say you are right though; I find it deeply disturbing that the universe would collapse onto itself and end up as NOTHING. That just fucks with my philosophical views even more since that means the universe had no beginning but still had an end (I've lately tried to think and accept the "the universe has always existed"-way of thinking).

Man, I'm off to get some sleep, fuck this mindfuckery :)
i dont believe in reincarnation reason being...

"survives death to be reborn in a new body" quote taken from wiki.

reincarnation means when you die you come back in another body. scientists have proven that the universe is going to end by simply collapsing in on itself until there is nothing left. no debris, no suns, no gas, no dark matter, no antimatter, just absolutely nothing so what are you suppose to reincarnate into? nothingness? its impossible because you cant reincarnate into nothing..if you do you'll die!

so maybe reincarnation is true (i dont think so) but it has to stop at some time in give it a few million billion years when there is nothing left. i would hate to be the last Buddhist alive at that time!

im going to stick with freezing my body thanks very much :)

AFAIK the Big Crunch is just one theory, and in fact (if my memory serves me), the latest observations are that the speed of the expansion of the universe seems to be accelerating, not slowing down.

Anyway, if the universe would indeed collapse back into nothingness (or rather, the entire massive universe squeezed into a single point), isn't that kind of similar as how the universe was before the Big Bang? Why wouldn't there be a new Big Bang then, why would it have to stop existing? Where would all of the universe disappear?

And if there was a new Big Bang, doesn't that mean that as it is cyclical, it's in fact reincarnation? And how can that prove that reincarnation cannot exist?

BTW, no Buddhist would want to be alive then, since the entire point of the religion is to attain nirvana so they can finally stop being reborn.
cryogenic freezing does not destroy your organs since the process of freezing prevents the water in your body from crystallizing which is what causes the damage, therefor no toxins needed.

During the process of freezing they swap your blood out with a cryoprotectant, and this cryoprotectant is toxic.
At the same time, some water will be left and might cristalize inside of your internal organs.. its basically impossible to freeze an organ without damaging it.
What they rely on is that we might be able to cure these issues in the future, but at the same time, your entire body will be filled with poison.

Another issue is that its illegal to cryogenically freeze someone who is not dead.. so massive brain damage will occur before freezing the individual.