Extreme metal / grind

Yeah... Goddamn!!! This is cool... though... i think the snare at 0:43 and a few seconds ahead, is overdoing the coolness, it does'nt fit.

Well... can't make everybody happy (deja vu)... and summa summarum... it simply kicks ass!

EDIT: I really like the drumsound. It's totally cool!
great stuff
but for me drums so machinelike

man - try to change the velocties

sounds great indeed!
Good stuff as always. I'm loving your cleanly executed arpeggios. I'd say we on the forum should push you to finish up a few more songs and release an album :headbang:

keep up the good work
Thanks guys.

Andre, I'm right in assuming that all I need to do is play arpeggios as fast as I possibly can and that instantly makes it totally awesome and brutal, right? Hahahaha :lol:

I'm going to try and do some vocals this weekend before I start tracking for another band...I'll see if I can squeeze that in there at least. I've been sitting here at work writing them out. :kickass:

I started thinking about material for the top secret "Fancy Pants" project, and I got itching to just do some more death metal. Maybe I'll stick with it for a while and do that whole album....?
Thanks guys.

Andre, I'm right in assuming that all I need to do is play arpeggios as fast as I possibly can and that instantly makes it totally awesome and brutal, right? Hahahaha :lol:

Actually, a lot of the sweeps, and then a breakdown....then more sweeps....then a break. Mix with some flour and bake at 350 degress for ultimate metal!!!!!!! I'm sure the super-ultra-secret metal project will be more varied than the above sweep/breakdown recipe
Actually, a lot of the sweeps, and then a breakdown....then more sweeps....then a break. Mix with some flour and bake at 350 degress for ultimate metal!!!!!!! I'm sure the super-ultra-secret metal project will be more varied than the above sweep/breakdown recipe

Although a song that actually was absolutely nothing but sweeps and breakdowns would be comically fun to do.
Although a song that actually was absolutely nothing but sweeps and breakdowns would be comically fun to do.

Now that I think about it, it would be a good laugh. Lets black metalcore-it.

Good luck with your tracking as well, hope it goes smoothly for you :headbang: