ezdrummer cuestion ( i want to do the same as nocturnal rites )


Dec 7, 2004
santiago, chile
hey there!

today i recieve my copy of ezdrummer

love the sounds!

but ok... i bought it cause i just want to triger my band real drums with ezdrummer and want to mix the drum like the Grand Illusion album of nocturnal ries so...

how i do this?!!

pd: if this is impossible to do is ok , i love the samples and the midi with ezdrummer... so no problem..:headbang:
i had trouble with this and still have not figured out in protools to get recorded tracks to trigger midi:mad:

Drumagog was not working for me and i tryed using a vst plug thing but since i was using a wrapper to use vst in protools it was no good.
You need the Pro version to work with midi.

I think Drumagog can take audio and convert it to midi, but I'm not sure.

This has been discussed on here, before... try searching.

I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that this is not so.
It will receive midi and use that midi to play samples.

It's been a while since I played with it and I'll get back into it soon. I wanted to track midi from my e-kit into DP and have drumagog play back audio samples from them which worked but my biggest problem was that fraction of a second of latency that I couldn't deal with while tracking along to tracked guitars. I thought of a way that I may be able to get around this problem but haven't tried it yet.
Anyway, in DP, I had to insert audio onto the drumagog track in order for the audio samples to play. Even though Drumagog won't use the audio on the drumagog track, there has to be something there on the Drumagog track. Otherwise, DP won't enable that track.
I think I could then freeze the midi track to turn it into audio.

The site administrator "Rim" was very helpful to me and would reply to me e-mails in a timely manner. I would suggest talking to him and check out the forum also.

I am also curious about using ezdrummer. The pro version also has a "live" feature so I'm guessing you would use that with ezdrummer.