EZDRUMMER ...geting snare on seprate track in protools


Used by Protools
Dec 26, 2005
Detroit, MI
i read the pdf manual that came with toontrack ezdrummer but it is not helping me with geting snare on seprate track in protools!

i want to blend a few diffrnet snares with drumagog but im using ezdrummer and protools and can only seem to get a stereo track out and have no idea how to make each drum come out on its own onto diffrent audio tracks!!
yea i got that part but i make like kick output 1 and snare output 2 and so on down the drums. Then i only get like kick output and no others....

I dont know how to get the rest of the outputs to play in protools.

what kinda track to i pick to make in protools audio track or aux track?

and then how do i route the channel outputs from ezdrummer to them channels in protools???
ok right now i have midi track wich i made of my drum track and output of midi track is ezdrummer channel 1

then i have stereo aux track which i have ezdrummer plugin on and this plays the ezdrummer midi track.

hope this helps a little.....

still lost on how to get each drum to a seprate track in protools??
Umm ProTools uses the Bus track system doesn't it?

There should be a way to output each of the individual drums within the EZDrummer mixer to a virtual output, and then create that amount of corresponding tracks in PT and set their inputs to the virtual out of each EZDrummer track.

I had tried doing a similar thing in Nuendo, but just couldn't. I think in that DAW you may actually have to create virtual outs in your I/O settings to get it working.

Anyway, if worse comes to worse and you can't get this working. Just solo the track you want and export them all one by one as stereo files.
Moonlapse has it right. However, I bounce the kick, snare, hats, and all 3 toms (seperately) as mono tracks, and then the OH's and ambience as stereo. I then import into my host and mix that way. Works well if you have a few extra minutes to spare for the bouncing.

I'm using Nuendo so this might not be the same but in the EZdrummer mixer when you click on a track, at the very bottom of that list is an item that says..."Multichannel." That works for me.