I figure they make stuff like this cheap for a reason. they know that it's not going to be used for anything serious or they'd be charging way more and the product would be much more sophisticated.
i can totally relate to this whole thing.
i've had a few bands that were asking me to mix their stuff, and then cancelled the whole thing and had their guitar player or sth. mix the whole thing with his cracked cubase and waves plugs. i've heard a few of these mixes, sounds crappy.
i mean, it's their music, they can do anything they want with it. what's getting on my nerves is the mindset behind it. "yeah, it's just a demo, we need to do this as cheap as possible. you can remix the thing if we decide to send it out to labels". bottom line is, kids don't care about quality.
and that's totally the market toontrack is shooting at with EZmix. self produced demos which are supposed to be as cheap as possible....and why spend money on someone to do a real MIX if you can just slap a few ezmix presets on the whole thing and "it sounds like a record, man!".
while the well established guys won't get hurt by this, those of us who work at the lower to medium end of the price spectrum (especially medium one) will lose quite some money over this whole thing, at least imho.

and totally OT, but i'll have to say it anways: the availability of cheap recording solutions has made it possible for SHIT bands to record halfway decent sounding tracks, which is NOT a good thing. i feel that only a fraction of the bands are actually capable of playing their own stuff. back when you had to pay good money to record your stuff the chance of a band going into the studio and shelling out that kind of money without being able to play the riffs and drum beats was much lower. besides, it doesn't help the scene a bit....there are countless of records being released that are mediocre at best, if you seriously cut down on the editing on most of them so they sound on the record like they do live i can guarantee you most of these bands would disappear very quickly.

sorry for the rant.

back to the topic: no, thanks, not interested in ezmix.
even the most average listener will connect to a great mix immediately without really wanting to know why (what eq was used etc).
an average listener will NOT connect to a bad, muddy, uninspired mix.
we had presets in plugins since day one. they are a good starting point here and there. for a basicmetal mix they might work ok.
but mixing is an art. you tell a story with that. we could do a contest here. have ez mix do a mix, and we will ALL get more exciting results than this program.

sure, from now on bands will not pay 100 $ for a shitty mix anymore,
because they can have their own shitty mix with a cracked version of ez mix.

but thats ok, because I personally do not want to deal with bands anymore that dont give a shit about quality in music.
let them have their ezmixes. they will sooner or later find out that STANDARDIZED MUSIC with STANDARDIZED MIXES will
not get them anywhere.

bands are always afraid about comparisons. if they have thei ezmixed and mastered song right next after a cla mix,
they will feel like amateurs and next time, they will have someone with passion work on their stuff.

ez mix will give everyone the same sound. people will get sick of that VERY soon.
(as most people are sick of autotune, even the average listener).
especially musicians who want to be different (thats what most bands claim to be anyway) will look for personality in a mix.
even the most average listener will connect to a great mix immediately without really wanting to know why (what eq was used etc).
an average listener will NOT connect to a bad, muddy, uninspired mix.
we had presets in plugins since day one. they are a good starting point here and there. for a basicmetal mix they might work ok.
but mixing is an art. you tell a story with that. we could do a contest here. have ez mix do a mix, and we will ALL get more exciting results than this program.

sure, from now on bands will not pay 100 $ for a shitty mix anymore,
because they can have their own shitty mix with a cracked version of ez mix.

but thats ok, because I personally do not want to deal with bands anymore that dont give a shit about quality in music.
let them have their ezmixes. they will sooner or later find out that STANDARDIZED MUSIC with STANDARDIZED MIXES will
not get them anywhere.

bands are always afraid about comparisons. if they have thei ezmixed and mastered song right next after a cla mix,
they will feel like amateurs and next time, they will have someone with passion work on their stuff.

ez mix will give everyone the same sound. people will get sick of that VERY soon.
(as most people are sick of autotune, even the average listener).
especially musicians who want to be different (thats what most bands claim to be anyway) will look for personality in a mix.

100% right!
that's certainly true, as long as you are in a position where you can chose which bands to work with. a lot of us don't have that choice, just for financial reasons. if you don't want to work with some bands, somebody else WILL.
i don't like shitty bands either, but money is money, and usually the shittier the band the more time i have to invest = MORE money. of course there's a threshold of what's bearable.
and of course, i enjoy working with good bands much much more. shitty bands (and especially shitty drummers) are a HUGE PITA. but if i'm getting paid for working through his mess, so be it.