F1 2010 (PC)


Im guybrush threepwood
Jun 16, 2004
Bristol, United Kingdom
FUCK YEH!!! Just had a 4 hour stint with my mate on it taking it in turns on my PC, and this is the best F1 simulation i've ever played. Highly recommend it peeps :p

If I wasn't already playing far too many games at once and had the money to drop on a wheel, I'd be all over this game. It does look rather epic, and I'm not even an F1 follower. Damnnn.
Installing it right now, while getting my dusty logitech wheel up and running! :D I have to play more often.. why is producing and mixing music so time-consuming? =/
I havent had a game that I could be arsed with in ages. The main reason i posted it was because this seems to have a great challenge to it somehow. I dont usually like driving in 10th for williams but this is brilliant, as there is always some hope :p You slowly chip away at the features until you get really good with the car, then maybe oneday get manual transmission on the go too.