Facts/pictures about your country

Widespread and tremendous halo phenomenon today, basically all of western Finland saw the rare Wegener arc.

According to Yle, it looked pretty awesome in Tampere as well. Looks like somebody's having a eye on us...

I went to explore this place with my friend. There was a high rocky hill by a forest lake; quite a beautiful views and of course lots of caves as well.






Chilling out :p


Lichen and moss have patterned rocks:



And a day before I went to see the morning mist at the pond:





Here's how the website of Glenmorangie, a Scotch whiskey distillery, looks like when accessed from Finland. I don't know what to say.

It's just so f*ckin scary. I'm in the midst of reading J. Sinisalo's latest novel, which combines aspects of today's reality in (among others) Afghanistan, Yemen, North Korea and Finland into what the cover text calls a "dystopia". After today's news about the word "whisky" being forbidden to use in public writing, I'm not so sure about the "-topia" anymore. We may not be there yet, but not much is missing anymore.
It's just so f*ckin scary. I'm in the midst of reading J. Sinisalo's latest novel, which combines aspects of today's reality in (among others) Afghanistan, Yemen, North Korea and Finland into what the cover text calls a "dystopia". After today's news about the word "whisky" being forbidden to use in public writing, I'm not so sure about the "-topia" anymore. We may not be there yet, but not much is missing anymore.
Forbidding the word 'whiskey' in those blogs was because it was seen by the officials as advertising. The word itself is supposedly ok as long as there's no brands mentioned or visible in pictures, and not linked to any festival (or similar event) like those were. Still, this is beyond ridiculous.
This is bordering on absolutely ridiculous. On another hand, Turkey, which slowly slips back to the Dark Ages, also banned alcohol advertising and restricted access to alcohol brands websites, beer included. Oddly enough, shortly after the ban came into effect, they were still serving alcohol on the Turkish Airlines flights - the international, that is. As far as I know, it is banned on domestic flights.
But I'd better keep quiet and not give Finnish authorities new ideas.
Raining ions, volume 2 :D This must be a some kind of St. Patrick's Day special, exactly two years ago we got a massive display as well. The geomagnetic storm - strongest of the solar cycle - is still ongoing, and it caused visible northern lights probably as far as Poland. Remember the camera usually enhances colors a little because of exposure, red and blue is tough for naked eye if solar wind density isn't high enough.

Just outside Tampere:

Helsinki (7:45 PM):

Also, I hope someone makes a timelapse out of the Hankasalmi all-sky camera images because that would be a thing of beauty.
Went to the highest hill within reach and waited in vain until my feet were blocks of ice, at which point I left for the bar that I had intended to visit anyway.
A few drinks later, I went home, and voilà. (I only had my pocket camera with me, but it happens tohave a good lens...)

Moral of story: if in doubt, have a beer.
The northern lights yesterday evening were actually the first ones I have seen in my life. Finally, as I have wanted to witness them for a really long time...
Must say it indeed was a beautiful nature-experience (despite that they looked more pale-coloured here), especially when starry sky was really bright and the entire Plough constallation was clearly visible too. :)

Here is collection of northern lights-photos from towns around Finland.
Awesome. I watched it through foil but didn't manage to any take pictures of recognizable content. Brougt back memories of the previous one in May 2003, which I watched in the early morning hours after coming home from the Far From The Sun release gig. Thematically, it would have been more fitting for the following album, but contrary to popular belief, even the forces of the firmament cannot foretell the future. :D
These are all breathtaking pictures... You guys live in such beautiful places.

I might post more later, but this is one of my favourite pictures. It was taken in the most beautiful part of the country.


Let's not talk about my local culture though. You do not want to know about a place where this is the "highlight" of the year... XD
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