Fahrenheit 9/11

Mick Moss

Apr 12, 2002

I only saw the first 20 minutes last night, but Bush's reaction to being told on Sept 11 about the planes in New York is amazing. Has anyone else seen this?
Yeah I went to see it, its really really good the best thing Ive been to see at the cinema this year by far..its out soon I think to buy. I like the part with the woman who's son died in Iraq. Really sad.. but I wont spoil the rest of it for ya Mick.
bleed_black_orchid said:
Yeah I went to see it, its really really good the best thing Ive been to see at the cinema this year by far..its out soon I think to buy. I like the part with the woman who's son died in Iraq. Really sad.. but I wont spoil the rest of it for ya Mick.
were watchin it now and i cant believe how they are makin a proper ass of bush hahaa good stuff :cool:
Great film, I saw it at the Cinemark back in the summer when it came out. Bush is so god damn contradictory; like the one clip in the movie shows him speaking at some event with a ton of rich bastards, and he says something about how they are "the haves and have mores". Then he said "some call you the elite, I call you my base". A few weeks back he spoke in my town (which is working to middle class mainly) and he said something about how he liked being among people who love their families, and who love to hunt and fish. Anyway, I hope Kerry wins the election (I'm voting for him).
Don Corleone said:
one of the most retarded things i've heard on these forums.
Well I was mostly being sarcastic, but there's a sense of truth in there as well. I'm just sick about how non-americans are trying to influence this election when they don't live in this country and are not involved in many of it's affairs. But I don't want to get in a big political fight cause it usually leads to alot of insults on both sides, but on election day i'm voting for bush not because a necessarily like the guy but for issues regarding my own security, and I think Kerry is a big pussy and a dork...that's my 2 cents
I think Bush has no clue. And I'm affraid America would buy it even if they'd bombed Denmark and Bush had mistakingly claimed we were behind 9/11.
insidethefall said:
...and are not involved in many of it's affairs.
you couldnt have said that. definitely not.

in case you dont know, EVERYTHING we do is somehow (usually directly) related to your country...from the money i pay for tomatoes, to the period of my military service... they are all, unfortunately, related. it's really amazing that i have to explain these to an american. are you for real?

the person that you are going to vote for will have an effect on 6-7 billion people on earth. so please dont tell others not to get involved. there is a whole wide world outside your house and computer. if your country werent such a big imperialistic force that fiddles with every goddam state in the world, i assure you, not many people would be involved.

and it's obvious that the president doesnt manage the international policies of usa, but more like powers-that-be (it's the same in every country, actually). so be it kerry, or bush, america will still be america for us foreigners.
I'm voting for Kerry because I don't want to be drafted into World War III-well, if women are included which is very likely. This country went down the shitter so much since Bush was put into power (no, he wasn't elected, like a damn president is supposed to be). I realize that the first Bush and Bill Clinton are also responsible for the way the U.S. is today. At least when Clinton was in office, Americans weren't hated as much around the world, though. I watched the debates and I thought that John Kerry expressed himself eloquently. If he can think intelligently under high pressure situtations like that, I think he is capable of being the President. We need someone in power that respects other nations.
insidethefall said:
From an American standpoint, You better hope kerry doesn't win, otherwise we'll all be fucked...for everyone else, you're not american so your opinion doesn't count :Spin:
hahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahafuck off:wave: