Fairly new, would appreciate some recs!


New Metal Member
Jul 17, 2009
Hey guys, I just recently started getting into heavier metal, I have liked bands like metallica, maiden, and anthrax for a little while now. Anyway I was hoping you guys could help expand my music library of metal bands. So far I am enjoying bands that mix in guttural and clean vocals such as As I lay dying and all that remains. Any recommendations for more bands like this or other good bands I may like. Actually while posting this just heard some Amorphis who seem pretty good from the couple songs I am listening to now.
Hey guys, I just recently started getting into heavier metal, I have liked bands like metallica, maiden, and anthrax for a little while now. Anyway I was hoping you guys could help expand my music library of metal bands. So far I am enjoying bands that mix in guttural and clean vocals such as As I lay dying and all that remains. Any recommendations for more bands like this or other good bands I may like. Actually while posting this just heard some Amorphis who seem pretty good from the couple songs I am listening to now.

Ugh. But yeah, Amorphis is good, especially early stuff, Tales from the Thousand Lakes is their best. You may also like Scar Symmetry, give Holographic Universe a try.
Sorry, didn't realize they were that bad. Just some bands that seemed decent who I came across who seemed decent. If I have wandered into bad waters let me know now so I can change my ways to some better bands quick!
It's not bad, it;s just that alot of the peope here don;t find it "kvlt" and "pvre" enough LOLS.

Anyways I"d saycheck out some slightly heavier stuff like:

Vader, despite the views on re-recorded albums "XXV" is great value for money.

Behemoth's new album is looking promising and is good value for pre-order @ shop.relapse.com with the DVD.

Try the first Dagoba album "Wjhat Hell Is About"


Dissection is quality black/death metal stuff, I reckon start with their first albums "the Somberlain"

Equilibrium's "Saga" is a nice mix of heavier type folk metal, and even tho the vox are in German it just adds to the fun and sound.

You might like Whitechapel






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Thanks lots of good recommendations there. Just discovered some opeth and emporer along with ihsahns solo stuff which I'm really liking. Annihilators not too bad either, mangini is a phenomenal drummer.
Sylosis, The Faceless, Cryptopsy, Atheist, Cynic, Meshuggah.
A few, give them a try, see what you do and don't like.
Disarmoni Mundi has a good mix of gutterals and cleans you might like, also since you like emperor try burzum's filosofem and Mayhem's Des Mysteriis Sathanas
If you like Metallica and Maiden then you should like Iced Earth - start off with Something Wicked This Way Comes or Dark Saga, then Burnt Offerings.
Yea, listen to At the Gates and early In Flames, and for the Metallica/Maiden side of things, um..yea...TESTAMENT
