Making CDs for a non metal fan. Your recs are needed!

"All the typical stuff -- the big thrash bands, Opeth, Pantera"

Here is what he was really trying to say:

"All the typical stuff -- Slayer, Megadeth, Metallica, Opeth, Pantera"

Ah, I assumed he was referring to Pantera as thrash as he likes them, and as Opeth preceded Pantera in the sentence I interpretated it wrong.

Amon Amarth - Asator ; Cry of the Blackbirds

It's been said quite alot that Under the Northern Star is good song for newbies on the Amon Amarth forums.
What kinda stuff is he into at the moment?

Stuff like Jesu, Isis, Neurosis is a good bet. Then you've also got your Cathedral, Witchcraft, Pentagram type stuff. A lot of trad. doom, sludge is very accesible. If you want to vary the styles, try using the more mainstream bands as they are unsuprisingly easier on the ears and brain, easy to follow, whilst retaining the power and emotion of extreme metal. Mastodon and At the Gates are good for people new to metal and experienced metalheads alike.
Soft stuff:

These are not easily accessible to anyone since they are slow and "deep" but they contail good melody and is appreciated if one takes the time to listen to it.

Tiamat - whatever that hurts
My dying bride


This is melodic but lots of people cant handle the orchestral approach of Therion of the folkish feeling of Skyclad. However great bands that may catch a new listeners attention.

Therion - ginnungagap
Opeth - something of their new album watershed would work nicely.
Skyclad - do they mean us?


The classic metal feel according to me. Fast and more important really energetic. Maybe its just me but this is the ultimate music to get my blood pumping.

Strapping young lad - detox
Machine Head - davidian
Kreator - violent revolution
The Haunted - hate song or 99
Exodus - war is my shepherd
Cavalera Conspiracy - sanctuary
Anthrax - something from "among the living"
Testament - anything but why not something from their latest release?
Nevermore - great band. Something from the godless endavour would work well I think.

Death Metal:

I think death metal is the least accesible genre of metal (out of the big ones like heavy, power, black, death, thrash and maybe some more). These examples are kind of easy to get into though if one can accept the style. Dissection may not be pure death but they were great up until reinkaos.

Dissection - where dead angels lie
Edge of Sanity - Twilight
Morbid Angel - dawn of the angry
Bolt Thrower - something from their latest release maybe
Amon Amarth - bleed for ancient gods or death in fire

Black metal:

I dont have alot of black metal recomendations but I think slower stuff would work well and more simplistic things. Something catchy by Darkthrone maybe? More slow like Drudkh or Burzum might be good as well. It cant be to chaotic. Satyricons K.I.N.G. is usually a hit even among non-metal people.

Otherwise symphonic black has gained alot of ground so some early Cradle of Filth some Dimmu Borgir or alike might work.
There's a big chance they won't listen to 80s stuff at all. Some people are annoying like that.
Dimmu Borgir isn't hard to get into.
Amon Amarth - Death In Fire works

mostly power metal, though

Hammerfall - Hearts On Fire
Blind Guardian - Bright Eyes or anything off Imaginations tbh
Tad Morose - Ethereal Soul

then maybe some melodeath - usually works for people
In Flames - Artifacts Of The Black Rain
At The Gates - take your pick
Dark Tranquility - Silence, And The Firmament Withdrew

Then some thrash...
Metallica - Seek And Destroy (dunno why, but everyone loves this)
Megadeth - Peace Sells... or Hanger 18
Testament - Into The Pit

it's really dumb to recommend stuff like Bloodbath. Why don't you just start them with Wormed, Devourment, and Goretuary while you're at it?
Nothing with intense rasps or growls is going to be accessible. A mild rasp or growl maybe, if the music is melodic and catchy enough that someone could focus on that. Rasps and growls are acquired taste and you have to build up to it.
In order of appearance...
Alice in Chains/Nirvana
Shadows Fall/In Flames
Lamb of God/Devil Driver
Then whatever you want. This is kinda how it went for me, and it seems like a good progression.
try 3 inches of blood, parkway drive, cannibal corpse(Kill), behemoth(newer stuff), maybe some nile. and if he wants to try out some harder stuff try aborted, kreator, suffocation, and maybe dimmu borgir or summoning?

i know those arent omg kvlt ZOmg bands. but they are gateway bands that are still good and will generally get him more and more interested in the obscure stuff.
lol@nile being softer than kreator, dimmu borgir, and summoning

summoning is actually a good call because it's more atmospheric. I think people could get into it.
You have to start out with some hard rock and such, as to not scare the poor child. After a while, his heart will blacken and then he can immerse himself into the music, making him an anti-social, satanic, sad former shell of himself.
Post the final track listing please. I may copy you if I cant be more original. My friend also shows some interest in metal.

oh yeah. Really soft introduction.

Nile aren't as stupid a recommendation as you'd think. They were one of the first metal bands I got into. They have very clean production, catchy riffs, the growls aren't hard on the ears. Admittedly they're not the first thing I'd recommend, but if he likes some of the 'lighter' stuff, Nile would be a good idea to follow up those bands.
Quit recommending black metal


Its not a inaccesible as some may think. Especially stuff like later Satyricon usually works well with non-metal people as well. I could see some likeing the more punkish Darkthrone stuff to. Then again it depends on where they come from. The original post stated that the person was somewhat familiar with some metal. It didnt say what kind of metal so I just listed different stuff.

In general if the person is only into "easy" pop then power metal is probably the way to start.