Some recommendations needed

Rødt_Og_Svart said:
I like the way you add that ".. and listened to.." part. I realize some people, like yourself, get kicks out of being dicks on a forum because they like to pick on newer and greener kids. You're not anything new, funny or interesting, kinda like the way you described me. Your arrogancy here is just a facade, you're not fooling anyone. By the way, I really hope I'm being naive in thinking that you got the actual irony I was pointing out. Learn some grammar, furniture boy.

i never claimed to be new or interesting. and of course its a facade...are you that daft? youre doing nothing be repeating what bumbleface said in more retarded terms. im comfortable with my grammar, the furniture has made me too successful to care small timer.
NineFeetUnderground said:
you probably havent...heres a cookie for your excellent police work. by the same token, theres a whole assload of people just as ignorant and pathetic as you on this message forum alone. congrats! :)

Because you ofcourse know me so well and are in a position to judge how "ignorant" I am. You are omniscient after all. As for pathetic, who is the one trolling an internet messageboard instead of either writing a mature reply or just not replying at all? You may know about more music than most people here but rarely are your asinine remarks actually warranted because discussion here is mostly pretty civil. You're the one who storms into every other thread calling other people idiots for their opinions (however misinformed they may or may not be).

NineFeetUnderground said:
wow. the first person to actually "get it". you are one of the few who hasnt wasted their time yet. good job being that much brighter than the rest of these paint chip eating metal kids.

You've got to be kidding me. How much more pretentious can you get. You actually think we don't "get" you? Jesus Christ... Dude, if you would just get off your high horse for one second and you'd notice that there is nothing to "get" about you other than that you're a complete fucking asshole 99% of the time. Yes, on occasion your posts are funny or informative. Most of the time however they just follow the "Look how much more I know about something than you do" schtick that got old about 3 years ago.

For someone who calls everyone "kid" regardless of the fact that they may be older than you, you display a staggering amount of immaturity yourself. And yes, I realise the futility of this post because you're just going to reply with another one of those poorly spelled and punctuated rants about how ignorant and noobish I and the rest of this board are. Which will just prove my point that despite supposedly being 22 years old (younger than me, "kid") you act like a fucking teenager because you apparently think that's funny. Kudos to you.
rofl @ fallacy tutorial, congrats you twit you copy/pasted some rudimentary crap from a website, which is particularly irrelevant considering NFU's arrogance is self-admittedly hyperbolic and too facetious to be subjected to the rigors of formal debate. not only that, the cries of 'appeal to ridicule' and 'ad hominem' are nonsequitur because the statements to which they referred were not arguments or intended to support the existing argument. not to mention how much you had to extrapolate to reach your claim of hasty generalization