Some recommendations needed

NFU's contribution would be better if he would stop acting like the ultimate authority.

I propose that next time someone wants to critisise a band, he/she simply describe the band / tell who would and who would not like the band by comparison to other bands etc.
affinityband said:
he makes good contribution. and the arrogance doesnt really bother me. Its funny most of the time

wow. the first person to actually "get it". you are one of the few who hasnt wasted their time yet. good job being that much brighter than the rest of these paint chip eating metal kids.
Braighs said:
NFU's contribution would be better if he would stop acting like the ultimate authority.

but i am? :erk: Wen someone asks "what band is similar to Opeth?" do you see me screaming "OOOh OOOH OOOOH listen to Ephel Duath! its LiKe TeH sAmE thINGs! and ORPAned LANDS!!! NOOOOOOOBz!!!!!!11" no you dont, because im not retarded like everyone else. Ill tell you what..if you find a suitable and competent replacement, then ill hang up my UM hat and wont continue to make you 12 year olds cry anymore. deal? kthx
NineFeetUnderground said:
wow. the first person to actually "get it". you are one of the few who hasnt wasted their time yet. good job being that much brighter than the rest of these paint chip eating metal kids.

your persona isn't exactly complex. Come on now. We "get it", we just don't think it's funny. It's annoying. Congratulations on succeeding with that awesome skill you have.
Mumblefood said:
your persona isn't exactly complex. Come on now. We "get it", we just don't think it's funny. It's annoying. Congratulations on succeeding with that awesome skill you have.

you get it? thats why youre attempting these pseudo intellectual editorials trying to pick me apart and analyze me in some futile attempt at proving me wrong or embarrassing me? i never claimed i was "complex"...but the mass amount of angst ridden pre-teen posts that follow all of mine seem to say that people dont "get it". youre no exception to this as we can all see on the previous page. you have another thing coming fumbledoof
Come on ladies break it up. Mumblefood, He aint gunna change because your tryin to analyze him. you make good contributions to this forum. I enjoy many of your posts as they are intelligent. NFU i say it keep it up. It makes me laugh. The humour isnt that hard to understand boys and girls.
NineFeetUnderground said:
you get it? thats why youre attempting these pseudo intellectual editorials trying to pick me apart and analyze me in some futile attempt at proving me wrong or embarrassing me?

You are not logical. That much is certain by your persistance in making fallicious comments. Maybe i don't get it. Is that funny? I'm not trying to embarrass you, that will never happen. I'm just making sure you know your posts are meaningless and erroneous. Reccomend bands, fine. but all your "funny" comments are pre-pubescent at best. Grow up and find something more interesting to do.
Mumblefood said:
You are not logical. That much is certain by your persistance in making fallicious comments. Maybe i don't get it. Is that funny? I'm not trying to embarrass you, that will never happen. I'm just making sure you know your posts are meaningless and erroneous. Reccomend bands, fine. but all your "funny" comments are pre-pubescent at best. Grow up and find something more interesting to do.

i have plenty more "interesting" things to do. making a couple posts on here ridiculing the noobs is hardly grounds to assume all aspects of my lifestyle and personality are "pre-pubescent". however your undying NEED to try and set me straight or whatever ridiculousness you keep on persuing here can really only be explained by an obvious inferiority complex or 2 inch penis. im probably going to go with the latter. oh pleeeease mighty smart one, smart me some more so i can be as smart and important as joooo!!!!11 :lol:
NineFeetUnderground said:
someone might actually think you had a point if they knew/cared who you were and listened to what you have to say. but "ironically" you cant say that about yourself on here...i can. im arrogant, not an "idiot", but i dont expect some generic noob like yourself to even understand the difference.

I like the way you add that ".. and listened to.." part. I realize some people, like yourself, get kicks out of being dicks on a forum because they like to pick on newer and greener kids. You're not anything new, funny or interesting, kinda like the way you described me. Your arrogancy here is just a facade, you're not fooling anyone. By the way, I really hope I'm being naive in thinking that you got the actual irony I was pointing out. Learn some grammar, furniture boy.