Making CDs for a non metal fan. Your recs are needed!

maybe people think that these threads are so stupid that they just put any old random thing.

the title may as well be "name random bands"
making cds doesn't even make sense anymore.

if i make a compilation i like to use a flash drive so i can fit a bunch of stuff on there
Later Satyricon is a mixture of black metal and rock. That's different from recommending something like Burzum or DsO

Burzum isnt so weird. Melodic and slow and not as extreme as some of the fast ass stuff thats being produced today. And yeah later Satyricon is a mixture of rock and black but alot of music are mixed nowadays. Old Samael isnt that extreme either and could probably catch a non-metal fan just like Darktrones punky, catchy stuff.

I agreee with mutantllama that black metal often is catchy. But then again if we are close minded and do not count certain stuff as "true" or "cvlt" we may have a problem :lol: The fact is though that black metal can be catchy and the melodies often get stuck in the head of the listener. Black metal is actually often very melodic even if its not melodic in the same vein as power metal. Good example might be Mörk Grynings "tusen år har gått".
lol@nile being softer than kreator, dimmu borgir, and summoning

summoning is actually a good call because it's more atmospheric. I think people could get into it.

Nile has better production than kreator. therefore would be easier to get into.

people who arent that into it like better production.
Nile has better production than kreator. therefore would be easier to get into.

people who arent that into it like better production.

However NIle has blasting drums so much of the time and really deep growls and I think if anything thats puttinga alot of people off. Nile is way more extreme than Kreator and I think if you went out on town and playing one song off each bands latest record I think most would prefer Kreator at the first listen.
Well a lot of black metal can be catchy.


I find some of it catchy

like what?

I actually agree with mutantllama. Although, what we find catchy about black metal, others might not find catchy.

I personally think bands like Borknagar, Emperor, Samael, Dimmu Borgir, Keep of Kalessin, I (as Belligerent said), among others can be very catchy.

However, some people would argue that these aren't straight black metal bands, which I would agree with as well. But I think that's what lends them their "catchiness." I wouldn't call a band like Burzum "catchy."
i dunno about catchy. for me, catchy is when you're singing along to the chorus. but memorable? definitely.