
Dan Swanö;9622768 said:

Cool that this thread got some action. However. I have chosen to stay off Facebook. So please don't make any page for me. If you need to get a hold of me, you know where to find me. The real me!! :)

See ya


This sounds weird, but it's easier to keep you off facebook if you're on it, as I suggested initially. Like, if there's an official page that says "HI, I'M DAN SWANO, AND I DON'T USE FB BUT THIS IS THE REAL ME. DONT' FRIEND OTHER ACCOUNTS, BECAUSE THEY'RE NOT ME," with your relevant contact info, it would prevent frauds from popping up.

That's why I said you should let someone set up a FB account for you. It would collect dust and you would not have to deal with it. Think of it as a scarecrow for impostors.
This sounds weird, but it's easier to keep you off facebook if you're on it, as I suggested initially. Like, if there's an official page that says "HI, I'M DAN SWANO, AND I DON'T USE FB BUT THIS IS THE REAL ME. DONT' FRIEND OTHER ACCOUNTS, BECAUSE THEY'RE NOT ME," with your relevant contact info, it would prevent frauds from popping up.

I agree with Naglfar. With a Facebook page like that, you would also get more traffic onto this official forum, and also to your Unisound page.
on the other hand, wouldn't it be cool to respect Dan's wish/desicion to stay off facebook?

Ok, let me just clarify: a page like that, you would not be able to 'befriend', 'like' or 'join'. There would simply be information regarding the fact that Dan is not on Facebook, and that if people wish to communicate with him they can go to Ultimate Metal.

Then Dan would NOT be on Facebook, yet it would save him the bother of ar*eholes trying to steal his identity.
Ok, let me just clarify: a page like that, you would not be able to 'befriend', 'like' or 'join'. There would simply be information regarding the fact that Dan is not on Facebook, and that if people wish to communicate with him they can go to Ultimate Metal.

Then Dan would NOT be on Facebook, yet it would save him the bother of ar*eholes trying to steal his identity.

Hopefully this is a one-time-thing-only so that this won't happen again.
"Hey, we have the same birthday, cool."
January 9 at 11:52am · Like Unlike · Comment

I thought it was really him, bummer.
we can always set up a fan page for Dan on facebook and off course declare it as one so no one gets the wrong idea
make it an informative page too. all dan's past projects, current work and updates, sexy photos links to concert footage etc.

then again, all this might sound nice but fans can get here easily. 4th link on goodle search of Dan follwoing wikipedia, metal-archives and dan's unisound myspace...fans can get most of the info they need before ever getting here and if they want to contact Dan then this is the place.

Dag could use a facebook page though...where else would he put all those sexy photos
This sounds weird, but it's easier to keep you off facebook if you're on it, as I suggested initially. Like, if there's an official page that says "HI, I'M DAN SWANO, AND I DON'T USE FB BUT THIS IS THE REAL ME. DONT' FRIEND OTHER ACCOUNTS, BECAUSE THEY'RE NOT ME," with your relevant contact info, it would prevent frauds from popping up.

That's why I said you should let someone set up a FB account for you. It would collect dust and you would not have to deal with it. Think of it as a scarecrow for impostors.

Facebook can also be a great tool for promoting the band and music. It has a help section that tells you how to manage it to your own configurations.
on the other hand, wouldn't it be cool to respect Dan's wish/desicion to stay off facebook?

Yes. That's the point I'm making. He doesn't want to, but he also doesn't want people pretend it's him. The most convenient thing to do is to make a placeholder account that is "run" by one or two people. No friending is done. It contains contact info and nothing else, no updates, and that Dan does not check FB and no one maintains the account. It's simply official in that it keeps frauds away.

This can be done very easily. If Dan, Dag or Vic gave me all the contact info necessary, I could make the account, put up the info, and any impostors could be taken off immediately by the existence of a "real" account. And then Dan could have the login info, which he'll never use. As for keeping further frauds, that's a question of his own fans reporting, but unless Dan has his own account, FB takes their time in removing impostors. They have no proof that that site is not Dan, even with us all saying it's fake. That's all I'm saying.

My purpose is only to suggest a course that gives Dan what he wants, which is no Facebook presence. The price of being famous, even if you don't profit much from it like Dan, is that people are always try to capitalize on your fame.
Mr. Manly has a Facebook!

then mr manly is going to a "like"
while I'm at it gonna "like" nightingale as well
oh and i reported the fake profile yesterday too

haven't been using facebbok too much besides messeging my close friends or getting updates from where i need to get updates