
I hate fagbook. People try and have these friends contests...oh look at me how many friends I have im special. When really they only talk to about 15% of the people on there. Great for musicians, and great for people that are attention whores like the bastard trying to steal Mr Swano's identity.

Also great for people who aren't, you know, impersonators or attention whores.
...but facebook doesn't seem to take it seriously after all these "pokes"...
Let's wait and see, guess they are slowed down by the sheer number of these kind of reportings everyday.
De-friend and reported.

Told my 2 friends to do the same as well.

In return all I ask if that you get a group of people together, play the entire Crimson album onbroad the next 70,000 Tons of Metal Cruise in 2012.

Thank you for your cooperation Mr. Swano :wave:
We have now started a thread over at Global Domination as well to get this message out to a bunch of intellectual people who can report this page. Hope it helps.
We have now started a thread over at Global Domination as well to get this message out to a bunch of intellectual people who can report this page. Hope it helps.

The only foolproof way to get the fakes off, as I have suggested, is to make a placeholder page by the actual person.

Gotta be on FB to stay off of it, is the short and simple of it.