FALCONER for prog power X

Did you pre-order the one with all the bonus tracks, or did you pre-order the US release? I cancelled my pre-order because it was the US release. I want bonus tracks, dammit! So I'll probably buy it once the European release appears on eBay.

Because Metal Blade wants around $30 for the thing. :(
Nope, just the regular edition. At some point I'll get the bonus tracks editions of both AB&T and Northwind.
If I like something I always purchase. I am just an impatient person, and I always give every band a new chance if they have a new release come out. That's why I love being able to download music, I get to check out so many bands and get to give bands I have never cared for second chances without being out money, especially considering I am a broke ass so I have to be selective of the cds I purchase. I just can't waste money on a release I am not going to like, because if I buy a cd I am sacrificing groceries and such, so it better be damned good. It sucks having the music sickness.
im on the 5th track, it's really meh. The first track is great Falconer that I love. The next 3 tracks are just total crap imho. Way to soft and the female vocals are weak. I was thinking this might be the best euro-PM release for me but I don't think so.
This coming from someone who likes more different bands than most... These guys just strike me a mediocre power metal band... OK but nothing great... but I'm just sayin' :lol:
:lol: It's all good. Unlike some fans of certain speed metal bands, I don't get all bent out of shape if someone doesn't like one of my favorite bands.

I am curious though, Sharky-face, what about them strikes you as mediocre?
I like them, don't get me wrong, and I'm not teaked out of my original configuration :lol: I just find their songs a little on the bland side, and the singer doesn't have enough power in his voice for me. Every time I put on one of my Falconer CDs, I can never get past 3 or 4 songs before I lose interest. To me they are getting better with every album, and I do own 3 of their albums and enjoy them to some degree, but they are not on my Progpower wishlist, thats all...

So I thought I'd chime in and help keep this thread on the first page for ya! :D
:lol: thanks Sharky-face.

Honestly, Mathias DOES have alot of power. He kind of needs it, given the fact that his career is musical theater. You can't sing and dance without power. But I do agree that it does not shine through very well on the albums. And sound dynamics seem to be lacking. Though if you watch the live video, it is better. Except that Matty seems a bit uncomfortable. I guess he doesn't know what to do with himself without any blocking. :lol:

Maybe you perfer the Kristoffer Gobel-era albums more? He had a more gritty vocal tone, and more traditional metal power to his vocals. Mathias is a classically-trained Broadway singer, and Kris is more of a metal singer, so maybe you like those albums better?

Or not. I seem to be one of the few Falconer fans that liked Kris' vocals.
:lol: thanks Sharky-face.

Honestly, Mathias DOES have alot of power. He kind of needs it, given the fact that his career is musical theater. You can't sing and dance without power. But I do agree that it does not shine through very well on the albums. And sound dynamics seem to be lacking. Though if you watch the live video, it is better. Except that Matty seems a bit uncomfortable. I guess he doesn't know what to do with himself without any blocking. :lol:

Maybe you perfer the Kristoffer Gobel-era albums more? He had a more gritty vocal tone, and more traditional metal power to his vocals. Mathias is a classically-trained Broadway singer, and Kris is more of a metal singer, so maybe you like those albums better?

Or not. I seem to be one of the few Falconer fans that liked Kris' vocals.

Then again maybe I'm just too old for this thing they call rock 'n' roll...:lol::lol::lol:

Actually I've been listening to a lot of Galloglass lately from Germany... Now I think they slay...

I'm gonna pull out my Falconer CDs again though and give them ride again, see if anything changes... Ya never know right?
Galloglass? Seriously? I heard them awhile back and said "They sound like HammerFall. If want HammerFall, I'll listen to HammerFall." :lol: Now there is some generic power metal, IMO.

Really Sharky, I don't expect you to change your mind. If it doesn't do anything for you, it doesn't do anything for you. If you have any of the Kris-era Falconer, you might like that. Those would be the albums Sceptre of Deception and Grime vs Grandeur. Though I don't know many people that actually like those albums. I know one guy, and he hates the Mathias stuff. That's about it.
I just heard the new one and I gotta say that this band is getting further and further away from anything striking. "Among" just comes off as demo quality Euro metal to me and there wasn't really a song on the thing that stuck with me. Now, granted, I'm a big melodic fan but these melodies struck me like I was walking through a renaissance fair and some college frat boy was being underpaid to sing and prance around in tights. It's really weak vocally. It's really weak musically in terms of song structure, and it's CERTAINLY really weak sonically to my ears. Just a terrible terrible release at this point. :(
I agree. Metal Blade does nothing to promote this band. They have 5 albums to their name, not counting the as-of-yet-unreleased "Among Beggars and Theives" and they're still relatively unknown.
Metal Blade is great at signing promising bands, but horrible at promoting them. Can't wait to hear the new CD!:rock:
I'll be hearing this CD for myself by next weekend! Is anybody here SERIOUSLY interested in sponsoring Falconer for PPUSA X? If so, please e-mail Glenn ASAP about it as well as replying here. Thanks! FALCONER FOR PPUSA X!
I'll be sending an e-mail as soon as I can. Unfortunately, I can tell you know, I can't offer much more than the minimum. So if any Falconer fans are in the same boat as me and would like to co-sponsor, PM me and we'll work something out! :)