FALCONER for prog power X

I'll be hearing this CD for myself by next weekend! Is anybody here SERIOUSLY interested in sponsoring Falconer for PPUSA X? If so, please e-mail Glenn ASAP about it as well as replying here. Thanks! FALCONER FOR PPUSA X!

i would have to co-sponsor with someone, the most i could promise would be like $60. i may end up being able to donate much more, but i dont know how much it costs or how sponsoring even works, an explanation would be nice.
i would have to co-sponsor with someone, the most i could promise would be like $60. i may end up being able to donate much more, but i dont know how much it costs or how sponsoring even works, an explanation would be nice.
What's the deadline for sponsorship payment? I'd love to contribute something to this worthy cause!
I'll be sending an e-mail as soon as I can. Unfortunately, I can tell you know, I can't offer much more than the minimum. So if any Falconer fans are in the same boat as me and would like to co-sponsor, PM me and we'll work something out! :)
I would definitely like to help co-sponsor this venture, but I couldn't pledge more than $100 at such a short notice.
I would definitely like to help co-sponsor this venture, but I couldn't pledge more than $100 at such a short notice.

yea its like 500 bucks to co sponsor:zombie:

id pay up, but i simply dont have a good enough job any more to generate anywhere near that.
I'd think that with a topic this strong, that Falconer is on Glenn's radar. I mean, this isn't the first year people have been clamoring on about getting Falconer to play here...I was actually expecting them to be announced last year for IX. I mean, with Iron Savior, Andromeda, and Elvenking especially, it seems that Glenn went after bands that are popular here on the forum...that are requested year after year. It's like he might go after Crimson Glory or Shadow Gallery too if they weren't completely impossible, but I digress. I don't want to be overly optimistic, but I know the promoter's no fool. If he could get Falconer, he will, they'd be great, but if things don't fall into place correctly, then so be it. I actually am expecting Falconer to be on the roster next year, and my stance on that is only perpetuated by a topic this strong--a 6-page topic dedicated to one specific band that's never played the fest...even Nocturnal Rites or Masterplan (who get requested...heavily...every year) don't have such a dedicated topic that I've seen.
You have to bear in mind, the majority of the posts are coming from 7th Saviour and myself. I believe Kenso is the next most common poster on this topic. So while the topic is 6 pages, a good chunk of the posts are from the same few people. Which I suspect is something Glenn may also keep in mind. I mean, if there's only like, 10 of us jumping up and down with glee in the front row for Falconer, and everyone else is in the lobby because "*YAWN!* Falconer are so BORING!" then there's not much incentive.

However, I am exceedingly hopeful the Falconer IS one of hte bands on the list. I'm in contact with Stefan semi-regularly, because I run the Myspace page for Falconer, so he and the rest of the band know that ProgPower USA exists, and I'd give my spleen to get them to play the festival. BUT, Falconer don't play out all that often due to Mathias' schedule. So if Matty's schedule conflicts, they likely would not be able to attend. But I'm keeping my fingers crossed all the same. :)
As do I. The relatively small number of people who are gung-ho about this band hasn't stopped me from hoping they'll play the fest. :)

tbh aside from threads for iced earth and the like, this thread has been much more successful than others. for everyone of us here that is gung ho, there might be another 40-50 people that dont post that would be pretty excited about them.

while its obvious that falconer isnt headliner status with the people, i think a decision glenn would need to keep in mind is if falconer would possibly tear down the house or not. i think they would personally.

let us hold out hope! if iron savior is good enough to make the bill i feel falconer is too.
Anyone know where I can pick up the Euro edition? I've tried: CD Inzane, The End, Laser CD, CM Distro, Sentinel Steel, Spun, Metal Blade, CD Universe, Deepdiscount, Amazon, Half, and Ebay. I found them on Ebay, but it looks like it's going to cost me about 25.

Any other ideas?
You have to bear in mind, the majority of the posts are coming from 7th Saviour and myself. I believe Kenso is the next most common poster on this topic. So while the topic is 6 pages, a good chunk of the posts are from the same few people. Which I suspect is something Glenn may also keep in mind. I mean, if there's only like, 10 of us jumping up and down with glee in the front row for Falconer, and everyone else is in the lobby because "*YAWN!* Falconer are so BORING!" then there's not much incentive.

However, I am exceedingly hopeful the Falconer IS one of hte bands on the list. I'm in contact with Stefan semi-regularly, because I run the Myspace page for Falconer, so he and the rest of the band know that ProgPower USA exists, and I'd give my spleen to get them to play the festival. BUT, Falconer don't play out all that often due to Mathias' schedule. So if Matty's schedule conflicts, they likely would not be able to attend. But I'm keeping my fingers crossed all the same. :)
I wish I could afford to pledge $1,000.00 for Falconer to play PPUSA X, but it is just not possible at this time. If there was only 1 band at PPUSA X next year that I really wanted to see, it would be Falconer, hands down!:rock::kickass::notworthy