family tree/crest/coat of arms search

I just had a look at a few heraldry sites.

Apparently the mullet is quite well represented in many coats of arms.
Koichi said:
I could get it tatooed on me somewhere.
Thats the idea.

:lol: @ Spiffo.

Heres another question for you all. Am I obliged to be a part of my fathers side of the family because I have his name, or can I research my mothers mothers side and claim their coat of arms? :lol:
I only say that because they would be a hell of alot easier to track I think (and probably have a cooler crest).

here is mine.
You have got a lot of fucking nerve Josh.

And i like Dio, so shut the fuck up.
Ueah, it pisses me off.

Mum's side has the McDonald's, with a fair bit of history, as well as Cornish pirates on her Dad's side.