family tree/crest/coat of arms search

Back on topic, sorry to fuck up all the off track shit, but I must.

I reckon that you should go with whatever side of your family you feel more strongly about.

For example, my family name is Saltmarsh. However I was raised by my mum and her side of the family which are the Peden's. I feel a much stronger connection to my mums side of the family, mostly because my dad left when i was 12 and I had very little to do with the Saltmarsh side of my family throughout my life. I wouldnt ever change my name from Saltmarsh, because thats who I am, however as far as family and heritage goes, I am drawn much stronger to my mothers side than my fathers.

Fuck tradition I reckon.
Also, in doing some research in this kind of thing a while ago, you will find that not everybody's family has a coat of arms.

Just because your last name comes up with a match, doesnt neccessarily mean that is the coat of arms for YOUR family, even though it has that name. If it worked that way, all the Smiths in the world should be severely deformed and retarded due to all the inbreeding that must have gone on to get a family that huge from the same lineage.

Do what someone else mentioned. Trace your family members back as far as you can go.

The first Saltmarsh to come to Australia was William Saltmarsh. He was shipped here for grand larcenary on the Alexander. He is known as one of the people who captured the first bushranger, a huge west indian guy that was named "Black Caeser" He was a huge guy and mostly stole food from other people because his convict rations werent enough. he escaped and become the first known bush ranger. William captured him, then he escaped and was captured a few other times until someone shot him.

I would like to try and trace the Saltmarsh family back beyond that, but I wouldnt have a clue where to start. Some geneaology place I guess. My grandma traced her side of the family back pretty far. I could always ask her for advice.

The Peden's have a cool back history too. I would like to trace that also. I know a few things from the Peden history, but would love to know more.
Thats pretty cool Salty. I know what you mean about being more interested in your mothers side as well, I am the same. It isn't that I don't get on with my father, but it is his side of the family I am not as fond of as my mothers side.

Ahh fuck it, I would like to know more about stuff, but it requires research, which isn't easy, and I can't be bothered. :lol:
What Salty said about the "Smith" family is sort of true if there had only been one fellow known as Smith way back when surnames were invented, but there wasn't. "Smith" was orginally the shortened form of the word "Blacksmith". There was one in every village, which is why the name is so popular, but you couldn't trace them all back to just one guy. "Cooper" (a barrell maker) is another one. The same would be true for most surnames that are derived from trades. So for a name like Smith or Cooper, there could be a hundred different coats of arms, and they all could be the right one, depending upon which village the Smith or Cooper (or whatever, I'm just using them as examples because they're the first two I could think of, and I'm too lazy to look up any more) you were descended from came from originally, as a lot of coats of arms were developed representing regional qualities also.
I think both my names may be descended from landholders - Hamilton on my father's side and Crompton, my mother's maiden name. I'm sure my grandmothers would love to muse on that fact. :rolleyes:

Actually, according to the link that Terry posted, the first Hamiltons were Scottish nobility granted land by Robert the Bruce; my ex-boyfriend can trace his ancestry back to Robert the Bruce. So his family created mine. Woo. :p