Fan ripped off by security


New Metal Member
Sep 13, 2008
(I hope this is the right place for this kind of thread)

So I was at the Bodom show at Rams Head Live in Baltimore 2 nights ago. (9-11-08)
And I was in the front row the whole night just minded my own business and occasionally talking to this security guard who seemed to be a nice guy. Then at the end of Bodom, Jaska looked me right in the eye and threw one of his sticks at me and for once I actually caught it. I was so fucking happy and the same security guard congratulated me. Then Henka walked by while leaving the stage, and threw a pick or something and for some reason me and my boyfriend try to get it and I drop the stick. It went over the guard rail and the exact same guard toke it and put it in his back pocket. I asked him for it back and his response was "You never had it in the first place". My boyfriend kept talking to the guy begging him, and eventually my boyfriend had to walk away because he didn't want to start a fight with him.

So I told another guard the story. He didn't believe me and went and asked the guy backstage. He came back like 5 minutes later and said that the guard had no idea what I was talking about. I remember leaving in tears. Bodom is my favorite band and I've been waiting almost two years to go to one of their shows. Its like this guy toke away the highlight of my night. I know I'm dumb ass for dropping it but still its fundamentally fucked up.

If it counts for anything the guitarist in black dahlia murder stopped me and my boyfriend and said we were good looking. And he emptied his pockets for me and gave me his melted chocolate chip cookie lulz
Thats a truly sad story.
That security guy should go fuck himself ...
He could have asked Jaska for a stick :D

Öhm, do you know what he was looking like ?
Another thing you all might find to be interesting......Alexi kept going behind the amp and coming out twitching his nose, and moving his mouth, kinda how you do when you just did a line of coke. :/
What an arsehole!!!!
Seriously, that is a pretty fucked up thing to do to a fan.
You have every right to be devastated. About the only thing you could maybe do, is contact the venue, and let them know what happened, they could at least mention it to the security firm. Doubt there would be anything they could do. You would need to have a description of the security man.

Yes, there is a bucket kept at the side of the stage for most shows. He is well known for throwing up whilst playing.

hehe jkjk

that really sucks balls. That security guy can go fuck himself.
I did contact the venue but all their email addresses are invalid. And every time I call they don't seem to care.
Ahh that sucks... I could understand if you were in the mddle of the crowd and fighting over the stick with someone else and then he got it from your hand but that just sucks ass. And balls. At the same time. While shoving a fist.. a-anyway, talk about pick throwing, normally when the guiatists throw the picks to teh crowd they either land on teh first two rows if even there, but when I was watching Stone at Sauna Open Air Roope went and hurled his pick like 25 meters before it landed on some lucky guy's hand. I was just:OMG:
You don't own anything until you've got it home. I think the guard did a good move. The same thing kind of happened to me when Alexi looked right at me when I asked for his beer can, he was like ah fuck it and threw it to me, I had the can on my hand but then 20 guys just mass jumped on me and it flew somewhere.. I did get over it tho. No need crying over a goddamn stick.
^Look at me I'm a tough internet guy who doesn't give a shit about anything!

Security guards have always been nice to me. On a Slayer gig I was in the front row and he had a box of bottles of watter and he kept giving me water for free. He was suposed to throw them to everyone, but he was like ''I throw one and then I give you one'' and so on, :lol:
Ahh that sucks... I could understand if you were in the mddle of the crowd and fighting over the stick with someone else and then he got it from your hand but that just sucks ass. And balls. At the same time. While shoving a fist.. a-anyway, talk about pick throwing, normally when the guiatists throw the picks to teh crowd they either land on teh first two rows if even there, but when I was watching Stone at Sauna Open Air Roope went and hurled his pick like 25 meters before it landed on some lucky guy's hand. I was just:OMG:

Roope uses brass picks, so I'm sure that makes it easier than throwing little plastic ones :p

Besides, he's a badass.