Fan Symphony X Music Videos

Jun 9, 2007
Check these things I found:

[ame=""]Eyes of Medusa[/ame]

That movie is awesome !!! Every year they would play it on TCM around the same time of the year and I watched it when I was 9, 10, and 11. Awesome movie !!
The first video was sorta lame and I couldn't help but laugh. The guy didn't even edit it, he just played the music over that scene of the movie. It could have been a lot better.
Second video was not that great. People need to get over FINAL FANTASY !!
Wow, Metacafe removed my fan vid due to "copyright issues" when it's really no different than the two above. Oh well.
Hi everyone, either first post or first post in a very, very long time. Anyways, didn't want to start a whole new thread about this, but I made my own fan cover of Accolade II and thought you guys might want to hear it. Keep in mind, I'm NOT Micheal Romeo, I know that, I'm more of a rhythm guitar and keyboard player, so be nice. :)

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^While otherwise sounding pretty good, the drums are terrible and out of tempo... Why not just use a PC software?
I don't even know what Final Fantasy is and I don't care. Symphony X owns everybody ... Almost.

Man, you know what Final Fantasy is. Stop tripping. If not, google it lol.

@ Detective Clarence Beauregard

Man, just read your sig. That second one is HILARIOUS. " Their superior Their superior combat training
should make them perfect test subjects " Man.. I bet the S.T.A.R.S. members screwed that guy up real bad. ahahahhah
^While otherwise sounding pretty good, the drums are terrible and out of tempo... Why not just use a PC software?

Ummm...screw you too? I said be nice. As for the drums, yeah in *some* places they're a bit off, but off-tempo...not really. If you ask me, I think Jason Rullo's drums come off as a little bit electronic-sounding anyways.

I didn't use PC software because there's a bit more support for Apple, like it says in the description in underwent some editing in Pro Tools. And it doesn't make sense to use plug-ins when you have the real deal in the studio ready to patch in.

Oh, and to the other have the click the "YouTube" link at the top, the triangle play button on the screen doesn't work.

Well, I thought that on a Symphony X board some musicians would at least appreciate just how hard it is to cover a Symphony X song and make it sound even close, but I forget this is the Internet and everyone's an anonymous insult-factory. :rolleyes:
@ Detective Clarence Beauregard

Man, just read your sig. That second one is HILARIOUS. " Their superior Their superior combat training
should make them perfect test subjects " Man.. I bet the S.T.A.R.S. members screwed that guy up real bad. ahahahhah

Actually, the S.T.A.R.S. did nothing to him; they were perfectly innocent. Wesker and Birkin are two evil sons of bitches, for sure.
Hi everyone, either first post or first post in a very, very long time. Anyways, didn't want to start a whole new thread about this, but I made my own fan cover of Accolade II and thought you guys might want to hear it. Keep in mind, I'm NOT Micheal Romeo, I know that, I'm more of a rhythm guitar and keyboard player, so be nice.

I think it sounds good. Yeah, the drums may be off in some spots, and the bass is criminally low in the mix, but the keyboard sounds really good. The playing is great!
Ummm...screw you too? I said be nice. As for the drums, yeah in *some* places they're a bit off, but off-tempo...not really. If you ask me, I think Jason Rullo's drums come off as a little bit electronic-sounding anyways.

I didn't use PC software because there's a bit more support for Apple, like it says in the description in underwent some editing in Pro Tools. And it doesn't make sense to use plug-ins when you have the real deal in the studio ready to patch in.

Oh, and to the other have the click the "YouTube" link at the top, the triangle play button on the screen doesn't work.

Well, I thought that on a Symphony X board some musicians would at least appreciate just how hard it is to cover a Symphony X song and make it sound even close, but I forget this is the Internet and everyone's an anonymous insult-factory. :rolleyes:

Hey, chill down. I didn't say it sucked. I just thought that the drums could have been done much better. I guess that the reason it bugged me so much is that I am a drummer myself. As Detective said, the keyboards are great and guitars aren't bad either. the drums just ruined it for me a bit.

Oh, the violin intro really rocks! Propably better than in the original.
As said before, there's something wrong with the drums/tempo in many parts. Otherwise, great job with the song! It's always nice to hear Symphony X covers, with vocals or not. I'm now learning Sea Of Lies solos so there's probably a video or two coming,