Far-Less - A Toast to Bad Taste


Purveyor of the Unique & Distinct
Staff member
Sep 30, 2001
Virginia, USA
Anyone else familiar with this band?

They're on Tooth and Nail Records, whom I get emails from, and they were selling this one for $7.99 on iTunes. I figured what the heck let me check out their site real quick and see if it's remotely worth purchasing (at that price).

I have to say, I was quite blown away! I'm still trying to digest it, but man what a great album so far (on my second listen). It's totally not what I expected. Tooth and Nail has some cool bands, but a lot of them are your semi-typical emo stuff. While I can't deny this one has some of that vibe, I dare label it like that because it is WAYYyyyy more. The songwriting is really mature, almost intricate at times in a Prog-Metal kinda way. It also has some great guitar soloing at points. Their keyboardist is the kind I like, instead of constantly just playing chords or melody riffs with the guitar, she adds a lot of that whimsical/quirky background ambiance (without sounding corny) - kinda like Stolen Babies or bands like that.

I highly recommend you give this band at least a listen, they have 5 or so tunes from the new album playing in their jukebox. Those were enough to get me to buy it on iTunes (again - only 7.99).

www.atoasttobadtaste.com is the album site with the tunes - let me know what you all think.

(reading back on this for typos, it sounds like I am giving a commercial for the band! It's an honest mini review though, check them out.)