FArenheit 9/11


"Fear the man"
Apr 22, 2002
You know, All things being equal there were some very good facts presented in this fools movie. Unfortunatley it's only from one perspective. I went to see Chronicles of Riddick but the movie broke. SO i was left with only one choice. All in all I see why the french like this movie. It makes President Bush look very decietful. But then again, the French LOVE Jerry Lewis.
This movie was kinda ridiculous. The points that were made about bush and Bin Laddens family were pointless. Bin Laddens family employ over 30,000 American workers. And the Saudi's owning %7 of our economy. an estimated
1.7 million Americans work for Saudi Owned Businesses. I got an Idea. Fire them for conspiring to make a living and feed their families. Mr. Moore doesn't mention that. But he made some very valid points. Believe it or not I am gonna recomend this movie to everyone. Only if the Chronicles of Riddick film is broken. :wave:
Buzzard said:
You know, All things being equal there were some very good facts presented in this fools movie. Unfortunatley it's only from one perspective. I went to see Chronicles of Riddick but the movie broke. SO i was left with only one choice. All in all I see why the french like this movie. It makes President Bush look very decietful. But then again, the French LOVE Jerry Lewis.
This movie was kinda ridiculous. The points that were made about bush and Bin Laddens family were pointless. Bin Laddens family employ over 30,000 American workers. And the Saudi's owning %7 of our economy. an estimated
1.7 million Americans work for Saudi Owned Businesses. I got an Idea. Fire them for conspiring to make a living and feed their families. Mr. Moore doesn't mention that. But he made some very valid points. Believe it or not I am gonna recomend this movie to everyone. Only if the Chronicles of Riddick film is broken. :wave:

Well, i for one am not going to put my hard earned money into that douchebags pocket. that fucks laughing all the way to the bank with this one and the best part? about 3/4 of the people ive talked to who have wasted their money on that movie belive everything that fuck made it out to be.
Hey I saw the movie last tuesday, I went to see it just because I like to see the world from another point of view but mine, although I can't believe all what he said because I have no proof that this guy isn't making any profit of this scandal, and the audience likes scandals, that's publicity after all, and I sensed a lot of yellow press on this film as in Bowling for Columbine, but then again it works really well to catch the attention of the public,

And if you got the skill to edit parts of an interview or a speech etc, you can either make the speaker look like an asshole or a saint. So it was interesting seeing it but I can't belive all the shit that the media tells me.
Walter_Langkowski said:
People on both sides are making too much fuss over this friggin' movie. It's Entertainment, not a real documentary. It has spliced interview footage. Laugh at it!!

Although I do have to say, I think that Michael Moore is a fat, communist bastard, all in all.

I hear what your saying walt, but the sheep tend to belive these things that they see and take that shit as fact, and thats not funny............. And as for fat ass Michael Moore, defidently something.............
Originally Posted by Buzzard Mr. Moore.... made some very valid points.
I'm shocked really. I figured such an obvious vehicle for political attack would contain no merit whatsoever. Especially considering Mr. Moore is such a self proclaimed leftist prick.
I'd be interested in what sort validity this bloated bleeding hearted sack-o-dung possibly could've made. Obviously I don't have a very high opinion this jerk. So much so that I wouldn't piss in his mouth if his teeth were on fire.
I try to keep, somewhat, of an open mind when it comes to people's personal opinion's. Everyone has a right to theirs even if I think their opinion is extremely retarded, which most of Moore's seem to be.
Out of morbid curiosity I'd love to hear of any "good" points he might've made. And since I refuse to contribute one red cent to his coffers I would ask you, Billy, to relay anything you found to be relevant.
Michael Moore lives in Jew York City not California. You have that he lives in California on your site. I downloaded the movie (like I do to all movies) and it was OK. Its all shit that is common knowledge anyway.
He also lives in Traverse City, Michigan, very far from California. I have seen the movie and it isn't that bad. It is all facts, I would say that 85% of it is from media clips so it would be pretty hard to lie about the stuff he is talking about. It, like Muffy said is all common knowledge, there were a few things that I wasn't aware of like how the Bush motorcade was pelted with eggs on innauguration(sic?) day or how huge the protest was. The media definitely didn't want us to see that shit. Politics aside he(Michael) has made some good films like Roger and Me and the Big One. He confronts giant corporations about outsourcing OUR jobs to foreign countries. Bowling for Columbine would have been a decent movie had he approached it from both sides and not just his but he decided he would just alienate people that owned guns instead so I didn't like that film at all. I agree with alot of things he says, he is absolutely against us losing our jobs to foreign countries, that pay their workers pennies a day. I mean who the fuck can ARGUE about that??? Michael Moore has the balls to do this shit and he isn't afraid of upsetting people. Christ, I think I would be scared as hell if I made a film that attacked the president like he did. I am sure some day he will have some sort of "accident" because of this shit he has pulled on the Bush adminstration. I think it would be a extremely communist thing if he wasn't able to do the things that he does. The people on this board rant and rave about the constitution and if I remember right the right to free speech was still in effect so love him or loath him he still is allowed to do whatever he wants as long as its legal. I really recommend the people here to check out his films Roger and Me and The Big One, it MIGHT change your mind a tad and maybe you won't think he is such a communist bloated sack of dung if you did a little research and seen some of his other films(and I don't mean Bowling for Columbine, that film sucked) and not write him off because he doesn't like your president. I have to say that I am almost positive that all the people here are all blue collar, hard workers and could identify to some extent with the bullshit outsourcing that is going on, I know I can.

I've seen all his movies as well, except F9-11 (my G/F is a film student) And can honestly tell you that this guy is truly a sack of talentless shit!!

Obviously if you've read any of my previous posts you know that I share your
opinion on B.F.C. and then some!! It's just like you said, He NEVER shows both sides,only the side that makes him look good to the liberals. It's actually
sad that this clown makes a nickel. My only hope is that most people in
America are not influenced by what a fat retatded loser like this thinks
and that they choose their side with there own mind....

MyHatredforYouRunsDeep said:
He also lives in Traverse City, Michigan, very far from California. I have seen the movie and it isn't that bad. It is all facts, I would say that 85% of it is from media clips so it would be pretty hard to lie about the stuff he is talking about. It, like Muffy said is all common knowledge, there were a few things that I wasn't aware of like how the Bush motorcade was pelted with eggs on innauguration(sic?) day or how huge the protest was. The media definitely didn't want us to see that shit. Politics aside he(Michael) has made some good films like Roger and Me and the Big One. He confronts giant corporations about outsourcing OUR jobs to foreign countries. Bowling for Columbine would have been a decent movie had he approached it from both sides and not just his but he decided he would just alienate people that owned guns instead so I didn't like that film at all. I agree with alot of things he says, he is absolutely against us losing our jobs to foreign countries, that pay their workers pennies a day. I mean who the fuck can ARGUE about that??? Michael Moore has the balls to do this shit and he isn't afraid of upsetting people. Christ, I think I would be scared as hell if I made a film that attacked the president like he did. I am sure some day he will have some sort of "accident" because of this shit he has pulled on the Bush adminstration. I think it would be a extremely communist thing if he wasn't able to do the things that he does. The people on this board rant and rave about the constitution and if I remember right the right to free speech was still in effect so love him or loath him he still is allowed to do whatever he wants as long as its legal. I really recommend the people here to check out his films Roger and Me and The Big One, it MIGHT change your mind a tad and maybe you won't think he is such a communist bloated sack of dung if you did a little research and seen some of his other films(and I don't mean Bowling for Columbine, that film sucked) and not write him off because he doesn't like your president. I have to say that I am almost positive that all the people here are all blue collar, hard workers and could identify to some extent with the bullshit outsourcing that is going on, I know I can.
Yeah I know what you mean, I guess the point I was trying to make was like I said, either you love or loath him. I like to watch his films and see his point of view on things and then make my own mind up as to what I agree or disagree with. I don't agree with alot of shit that he does and says, BUT it is america and I respect that he is allowed to do shit like this. I mean shit even if you think he is the biggest fat fuck who doesn't know how to shave(which he is) and has krispy kremes falling out of his ass, I think its awesome that he isnt executed or deported like he would be in some other countries for speaking against the government. I think this film is a good representation of our freedom in the sense that you would not be able to do this shit in the arab world and so on. You see, there needs to be people that question shit and expose stuff if it is worth exposing like he does, you know what I mean? If we just went by what the media or newspapers told us we would be screwed in more ways than you can think of. I mean shit we can bad mouth the man all day but in retrospect what have we done other than bitch on websites and I am not attacking anyone that does that because I am one of them to a degree I just get bored at work and surf this site ALOT but I am definitely more politically active and do as much volunteer stuff in my community that my schedule allows. Hopefully this makes sense :erk: :kickass: :headbang: :Smokin:
T_man357 said:

I've seen all his movies as well, except F9-11 (my G/F is a film student) And can honestly tell you that this guy is truly a sack of talentless shit!!

Obviously if you've read any of my previous posts you know that I share your
opinion on B.F.C. and then some!! It's just like you said, He NEVER shows both sides,only the side that makes him look good to the liberals. It's actually
sad that this clown makes a nickel. My only hope is that most people in
America are not influenced by what a fat retatded loser like this thinks
and that they choose their side with there own mind....
Also, if this film makes bovine america(there are far to many fat people in America) put their cheeseburgers down and turn Jerry Springer off and be more politcally aware then the film is not a total loss. Even if people that hate him(Michael) come out to vote just for Bush to spite him then it is not a total loss. I mean I really wasn't a very politcal person until Dubya came into office. I really don't like him but Dubya made me more active when it come to politics so I have to thank him for that. I have not voted before but now I feel like I have to(at least if I want to bitch about Bush then I have to vote because otherwise I would be very contradictive). If this film makes 500, 1000 or 100,000 people vote that would normally wouldn't then the film is a success in my opinion. Because lets face it people that can vote but don't, far outweigh the people that do vote. I mean is more politcally active people really a bad thing???
Yes, even I as a fucking foreigner have opinions about Moore, what he does is infotainment (small info, BIG TAINEMNT), but he´s pretty clever and I´ve heard him say that he wanted to at least piss people off so they start being more active in politics. It´s better if people are pissed and want to find out more. We have a tv-guy in Sweden called Janne Josefsson who does the same thing, he makes people mad with his "investigations" but as long as he also makes them curious of how the country is run then he does a good job.
It makes alot of sense and was very well put.

Though I hate his guts, the day someone tries to stop him
or anyone for that matter from speaking their mind, they become the
enemy and I'd stand along side the piece of shit to defend his right to
free speech.

MyHatredforYouRunsDeep said:
Yeah I know what you mean, I guess the point I was trying to make was like I said, either you love or loath him. I like to watch his films and see his point of view on things and then make my own mind up as to what I agree or disagree with. I don't agree with alot of shit that he does and says, BUT it is america and I respect that he is allowed to do shit like this. I mean shit even if you think he is the biggest fat fuck who doesn't know how to shave(which he is) and has krispy kremes falling out of his ass, I think its awesome that he isnt executed or deported like he would be in some other countries for speaking against the government. I think this film is a good representation of our freedom in the sense that you would not be able to do this shit in the arab world and so on. You see, there needs to be people that question shit and expose stuff if it is worth exposing like he does, you know what I mean? If we just went by what the media or newspapers told us we would be screwed in more ways than you can think of. I mean shit we can bad mouth the man all day but in retrospect what have we done other than bitch on websites and I am not attacking anyone that does that because I am one of them to a degree I just get bored at work and surf this site ALOT but I am definitely more politically active and do as much volunteer stuff in my community that my schedule allows. Hopefully this makes sense :erk: :kickass: :headbang: :Smokin:
All valid points!! (I like Infotainment)

Arg_Hamster said:
Yes, even I as a fucking foreigner have opinions about Moore, what he does is infotainment (small info, BIG TAINEMNT), but he´s pretty clever and I´ve heard him say that he wanted to at least piss people off so they start being more active in politics. It´s better if people are pissed and want to find out more. We have a tv-guy in Sweden called Janne Josefsson who does the same thing, he makes people mad with his "investigations" but as long as he also makes them curious of how the country is run then he does a good job.
MyHatredforYouRunsDeep said:
I mean shit even if you think he is the biggest fat fuck who doesn't know how to shave(which he is) and has krispy kremes falling out of his ass...

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Yeah, I wish he'd cut the "I'm one of you guys" schtick, because he is full of shit. I think he has a bit more money than "all of us", so the least he can do is buy a mach 3 razor and stop dressing like a fucking slob.
Walter_Langkowski said:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Yeah, I wish he'd cut the "I'm one of you guys" schtick, because he is full of shit. I think he has a bit more money than "all of us", so the least he can do is buy a mach 3 razor and stop dressing like a fucking slob.

If it looks like a piece of shit,
if it acts like a piece of shit ,
it must be a piece of shit
I havent seen it yet but I intend to. I'm not pro Bush or Kerry. But I plan to do my research before I place my vote this year. Kerry reminds me of Clinton only Dumber. Bush reminds me of Kermit the frog. He has a hand up his ass making him talk. So who do I vote for? Nader?,.... Nice guy but he's got no balls. I WANT FACTS. Not media inspired bullshit. Then again with the electoral college does a vote really count???? If so, Some educate me....... And by the way. where 9is the spell check on these message boards (i need all the helpI can get).
I don't like any of the candidates but I am sure as hell not voting for Nader or Bush. Those guys are such idiots. I am REALLY pissed off right now, I just read an article on CNN and it says that the Bush administration is trying to delay the election because of a "possible terrorist attack" if this isnt the biggest display of bullshit then I don't know what is. Tom Ridge even goes on to say that he has no credible source or any info indicating how or where it will happen......and the Bush fear campaign rolls on

prime666 said:
I havent seen it yet but I intend to. I'm not pro Bush or Kerry. But I plan to do my research before I place my vote this year. Kerry reminds me of Clinton only Dumber. Bush reminds me of Kermit the frog. He has a hand up his ass making him talk. So who do I vote for? Nader?,.... Nice guy but he's got no balls. I WANT FACTS. Not media inspired bullshit. Then again with the electoral college does a vote really count???? If so, Some educate me....... And by the way. where 9is the spell check on these message boards (i need all the helpI can get).