Farmakon album reviews

I'll have to take your word for it. my french has been a little rusty since, uhh, my birth... :lol:
I understood like 1/5 of it. And my french has been bad since I quit it in high school. :D (our teacher was a cunt or chatte or something like that)
Anyway more positive than negative. It would be fun to get it in english...
Hu ! Not so nice talking this way about french people...
We are fine people in fact, and very open-minded ;o)

It's just that we can't write 100 reviews a month in both french and english !

Even if you understant 1/5 of the review, it's cool !

In a few words, "A Warm Glimpse" is the monster breed by sex orgy between Opeth and Ephel Duath, and it's really EXCELLENT !

A huge first album which makes me think about a great evolution !

Congratulations guys ! Hope to talk to you in an interview soon !

Nikö - said:
It's just that we can't write 100 reviews a month in both french and english !

In a few words, "A Warm Glimpse" is the monster breed by sex orgy between Opeth and Ephel Duath, and it's really EXCELLENT !

A huge first album which makes me think about a great evolution !

Congratulations guys ! Hope to talk to you in an interview soon !

Nikö -

That is understandable... (about the french/english thing)

And the rest... Very nice to read! We'll be in touch then. said:
Hu ! Not so nice talking this way about french people...
We are fine people in fact, and very open-minded ;o)

It was only Hearse :) Blame him... but well, he's just a prick himself :D
Are you saying that we - french people - don't have sufficient sens of humor to understand your jokes ? GRRR !

No, just kidding ! I understant well that you are only a bunch of sex starved guys, and that you report your anger on poor frenchies... I guess I have the solution : come and play loud in mad gigs in France, and if you're nice enough after a lot of beer, I'll present you nice and easy girls.

For the numbers associated with reviews, we're on the way to do it. We were thinking about a way of rating albums but not using 1000 times already done thing. So we got the idea and we're making it real ! Just a few weeks to wait.

Wait for the phoner interview !
Windom Pearl said:
But on the other hand we could be ripoffs and proud of it. Yes, we could make shirts with huge text "I RIPPED OFF OPETH 2003" on the backside, and all that kinda stuff.

Well, of course we have to understand that the reviewers don't have time to listen to the records for very long when doing reviews... I suppose we are an Opeth rip-off on some level, if so many people say so. Hmm, I guess the real judges should be the guys of Opeth and the people that have worked with them and their music... But then again, threy're human too, and can't possibly see and hear everything...

Well, I'm too tired to mind now (Moonspell and Guano Apes rocked the shit out of me :headbang: ). and that review wasn't that bad, since he didn't say any other bad thing about us... :)