Farmakon album reviews

Seriously... We make music. You like it, you don't like it. I really don't care. Good review, bad review. I'm really not expecting that we'll get only good reviews...
...I'm expecting that ripoff stuff and else crap. So I'm not bothered. They are just opinions. Everybody can't like it. :D I do! I think that's the best thing.
Hearse said:
And its not like your music would sound like Opeth, cause it doesnt.And if he doesnt hear it, he must be deaf. Ofcourse there is influences, but so there is many other influences. Some people just dont seem to get it.

I agree whole heartedly; yes there are influences, but it's hardly plagiarism, and so much has been done nowadays that it's pretty hard to create an incomparable sound. The music should be reviewed in it's own right, not as a comparison to someone elses.. :) said:
ho !
Seems you forgot to call me tonight. We were planned to have an interview by phoner à 7.30 (france time)...
I'm so desappointed.
I hope we could plan another soon !

you can contact me at

Nikö -


With whom did you planned that?
Or is that just some type of weird French humour... :rolleyes:
Niko: Who did you actually contact and when? We didn't get any information of that interview...
well I asked Stephanie from M10 distributor in France, and she told me it was planned for July the 16th at 7.30.
But it's no matter. I'll wait for Stephanie to come back from holiday next week and I'll ask her to plan another one.

The more important is to be able to do the interview one day ! I'm not so overbooked, I'm not a businessman, I could delay things !!! said:
well I asked Stephanie from M10 distributor in France, and she told me it was planned for July the 16th at 7.30.
But it's no matter. I'll wait for Stephanie to come back from holiday next week and I'll ask her to plan another one.

The more important is to be able to do the interview one day ! I'm not so overbooked, I'm not a businessman, I could delay things !!!

Interview would be good... Just that maybe we should be informed too about these kind of things. :D
Good one in Rock Sound magazine:

I'll even type it out for you...

Simirlarly to Ephel Duath, Finland's Farmakon (what sort of a name is that, I ask you?) are pushing back and breaking new boundaries in the world of extreme metal in a way that no one else appears to be doing right now. This is death metal but not as we know it, perhaps death metal if the likes of Mike Patton decided to get involved. While the basics of the genre are in place, tracks like "Same" and "Flavoured Numerology" veer into Mr Bungle, Sikth and Cheese Cake Truck-like tangents that make for a decidedly interesting listen. There's certainly something in our European water supplies right now for such diverse music to keep popping up. Fans of Ephel Duath, Make Patton and off-kilter ideas should investigate without hesitation. One of the metal suprises of the year so far.