Farmakon album reviews

And now, for something completely different:

FARMAKON - A Warm Glimpse
The pitch singing that creeps in on "A Warm Glimpse" sounds fruity as hell. Especially when the music dips into funk elements ala Mordred to somehow highlight the gentler moments born at the vocalists "diverse" palate. This is a prime example... just because you can do something kooky to try to separate your music from all the rest, doesn't mean that you should. Especially when combining funk and other such "colorful" elements in with a style that borrows from older thrash metal and a decidedly Scandinavian death tone. When the death yells are their most grisly, one can't help but notice a pleasing Mikael Akerfeldt sense of depth and general ugliness, but as soon as I try to get into the interesting flow of their deadly riff work and interestingly screamed vocals, Farmakon remain insistent on adding the pitch singing and clean jazz/and a musical influence that finally comes to a head as being very much Opeth derived. As the disc progresses, each song presents more of this and Farmakon's cross genre experimentation strikes me about as brilliant as trying to adhere a shiny new metal bird feeder to a window with an old piece of play dough. The 2 elements just don't stick. Farmakon fall hideously short in trying to emulate, or build upon the Opeth formula, a band that has noticeably had a huge stylistic impact on them. Their loose imitation of a successful bands sound has become their undoing. Yet another talented, though largely annoying/forgettable band to flood the record store shelves with more artsy swill. - Marty

What the hell does "fruity" mean? Fruitcakeish? Gay! Cool! :loco:

"Another album of the same calibre from these young Finnish upstarts could quite easily wrest the prog/Melo–Death crown from the crusty Swedes"
From (the whole review)

"Good Scandinavian metal ala Opeth. Lots of tempo changes, some tasty acoustic interludes, and a growing vocalist trading lines with a more sugary singer. There’s a lot here to be admired musically, and the record has some great moments. Ironically, the clean, classical guitar parts are the most interesting parts here. Probably not the best compliment you can pay a metal band, but true nevertheless. The main issue is that there is just too much of a formula at work on “A Warm Glimpse” and the songs get a tad predictable by the end. "
From (the whole review)

If I were to sum this release up in one word, it would be: IMPRESSIVE! I can honestly say I love this album. It's such a great sign when a band is already this good on their freshman release. At first it may sound like the typical death-metal record from any generic band, but the album progressively becomes more interesting and captivating. Strangely enough, some of the songs even break down into funk and lounge jazz rather than the typical heavy palm-muting. The disc offers a lot of good, clean vocals, adding more and more to the depth of these talented songwriters. Tracks to watch out for are "My Sanctuary in Solitude" and "Pearl of my Suffering".
Another from
"Then to finish things off, these fucking idiots pretend they’re Cynic covering the Seinfeld theme song and fuck up everything they had going for them"

:lol: Man I really can get how the few jazz/funk seconds of the album can be so important to everyone. Saying stuff like is like throwing away a pototo chip bag after finding two green chips.