Farmakon album reviews

nevershine said: Tony Salminen could be the heir apparent of bassist Trevor Dunn...

Okay... This is starting to bother me. FUCK! It's the second time now. Nice review still. :D
maybe something was written wrong in the biog sheet for the US press? I haven't seen one, so I couldn't tell you for sure.
Lee_B said:
maybe something was written wrong in the biog sheet for the US press? I haven't seen one, so I couldn't tell you for sure.
My bet too. either that or they don't know how to use our website and are trying to bluff it... :)

Whoa.. I'm touched :)
Wow! A classic from!

Farmakon- A Warm Glimpse (Earache)
This is like all those endless times when you’ve gone to a party where there’s like, a thousand people there, and they’re all different, but none of ‘em seem all that interesting. And you start to think, "Well, mebbe I’m just being an asshole, maybe all these folks have something unique to offer, and I’m just overlooking it." So, you hang around a little longer, chatting folks up, delving a little deeper, seeing what’s what and who's who. And then it’s two hours later, and you’ve drawn your conclusions. “Let’s see…foreign kid, death metal goofball, prog metal geek, weirdo, weirdo, foreign kid, ‘funk-rock wannabe’, lame-o, retro-thrasher, spazz, jazz nerd, ‘nother death metal clown." Which you already knew going two fuckin’ hours ago, ya jerk. Now, not only is it too late to go somewhere else, but all these guys are suddenly looking for your approval, like maybe you wanna hang out next weekend, or something? Maybe go practice scales or discuss quantum theories or French horror movies? See what you go yourself into, man? Sometimes you just gotta say no to people like Farmakon. Otherwise, they’re only gonna do dumb shit like this again.
Just an opinion among others... Nice metaphor anyway! :D I really liked it actually. Marko knows I'm the "metaphor man"... Only I do it poorly. :lol:

p.s. It is a Rock'n'Roll site and I don't have a faintest clue why they reviewed our record...
:headbang: Nice!

and what's wrong with discussing quantum theories? that guy is the odd-ball himself!
