Farmakon album reviews

Can't be linked I guess, but from :

"From the waves of dull uninspired music comes this Finnish quartet with, what I can only call a breath of fresh air for the metal industry. Right from the start, they treat you to a delightful mix of funk, hardcore and trash, all blended by tight precise rhythms. Front man Marko Eskola’s vocals vary from deep growls to singing that reminds me of Keith Caputo or Mike Patton in his Mr. Bungle era. If it was only for the assorted vocals one could be kept interested throughout the entire album but there`s more. Every musician has something to offer on this album. Tempo changes accompany every song with varied riffs, blended together seamlessly.The fourth track on the album “Stretching Into Me" shows a maturity which amazes me for such a young band starting out, beginning as a ballad only to kick derriere in the middle and then jumping back into the tempo of the beginning; excellent stuff! This is one of the most diverse albums I have heard since Dillinger Escape Plan back in 2000. I can picture myself in the pit with songs like “Flavoured Numerology”, only to kick back on my couch for songs like `”Loosely Of Amoebas`”. It leaves me rubbing my hands in anticipation for their next release." 8.5 / 10
Windom Pearl said:
I'll paste it here because it's a pain in the ass the find from the page. And because this is such a hilarious one :)

A Warm Glimpse
I’m speechless. Utterly, catatonically fucking speechless. What sort of people are Farmakon, anyway? Nasty, evil headfuck ones that any right thinking people would stop from going anywhere near music ever again if ‘A Warm Glimpse’ is anything to go by. Jazz, melodic thrash, alt.rock (aka them bits what sound like Jane’s Addiction) all come at the same time from all angles to try and make the listener feel as if they’ve just been buggered by an elephant while sticking magnets in their ears.
This is a pain in the arse of a record that makes Tool look like a kids recorder class in terms of obtuseness. It’s simultaneously enjoyable and wrist slashingly annoying. It’s fantastic, but at the same time you find yourself wanting to take the fucker out of your CD player and use it as a Frisbee just to make it STOP! And therein lies the ultimate charm. A record so challenging that you’d be prepared to have a fight with yourself over whether it’s good or not.
Fancy an internal bust up, then? Buy this album.
cool, we destroyed his brain... :)
I've just seen a great review somwhere, but I forgot where.. it was 9 of 10!
But I lost ny BARRET somwhere under the LEE of a rock...
Heh, that's what I thought it was for a while. :p Damn weird Finnish people with their damn weird songtitles.
Oz Kerrang!

"Within two minutes of opening track Loosely Of Amoebas, everything you presume to know about Farmakon crumbles to dust. What starts as a pure and simple thrash song suddenly drops into cruisy, laidback jazz.
And it's as pleasant a surprise as we could have hoped for.
Opeth comparisons here are unavoidable - you can hear their influence plainly in My Sanctuary In Solitude and in the epic Stretching Into Me. But while A Warm Glimpse may not reach the heights of, say, Blackwater Park (or Mr Bungle's Disco Volante, for that matter), it is an astonishingly mature debut, and shows a band of immense potential. In two albums' time, we may well look at Farmakon as the future of experimental metal." - KKK