Farmakon album reviews

That was Norwegian, and the "av Line Nøis" means it could well have been done by Blackspirit, only I don't know if her last name is Nøis or not. :p

That translator came up with this, see what you can make out:
Dodgy Translator said:
Farmakon FINISH Warm Shine Bland Opeth along with Ephel Duath , lay off at additional jazz and draught at a couple of? r p? age and you're in cooperate? rheten at Farmakon. At Line Cooperate? ice Vokalist Characteristicen The escort h? res edged paternal illsint Mikael? kerfeldt Opeth ) cooperate? r he growler. P? legal get My Sanctuary set on Solitude " performs he vanvittig a good one along with any up against black metal cry. That the voice at this man keeping , am a mystery , as one half? res edged as all do be about burst every? yeblikk. But at the same time as we're in p? Characteristicen track record m? facts mention that his clean-cut vokal no matter crash down absolutely in aroma initially. He has come her afterwards f? rste corridor Farmakon presented his clean vokal. F? r was he dubious and pinglete , cooperate? brave and deep. But it is the growlingen his as gj? r disc. As mentioned a prior acts these hit the metal her as Opeth but seasoned along with sick features ala Ephel Duath. Jazz consignments breaks in here and there , and at the same time as Farmakon am technical lean , are they vanvittig groovy , all but thrash! Beyond absorbing herself? lgelig but ogs? weird weirdo! My Sanctuary set on Solitude " stayed already p? demo-niv? favourite get Flowergrasp Pearl shame My Suffering " and Flavoured numerology " comes media p? right behind. " finish Warm Shine " am vellspilt , along with biter at music I never savage dr? mt about? slenge along with p? a album! Output is it nothing? adjourn p?, and singing am absorbing , but a smule above in spite of the fact that top. This am a vanvittig good debut at a bandage a good many has had h? ye expectations at! Ginger jolt that it is the Lee Bar as sign these boys. This man sign Empirical and afterwards alts? Opeth , amid a good many other pearl. A exclusive? nske f? r next issue : Additional personage , less reflect at other.

"These guys are a young Scandinavian 4-piece, but the maturity of their sound belies their collective youthful appearance.
They are a band who like to play around with many musical styles within their compositions, often from one moment to the next.
Opener, ‘Loosely of Amoebas’ is a case in point. Based around a very Slayer-esque riff, it takes a sharp turn into funk territory mid-piece.
You have to wait until the three minute mark of track two to actually hear vocals, and then they are highly unusual. By the time you get three minutes into track three, you have heard at least five, seemingly conflicting musical genres – thrash/speed Metal, Prog-Rock, Funk, Jazz and even moments of chamber music. THEN the album starts to get weird!
This band will definitely be an acquired taste. Fans of Slayer, Napalm Death and Scandinavian Thrash will find their heads bobbing to the metallic parts, but wondering what the hell is going on a mere moment later. It’s music that would need at least a half-dozen listens to fully appreciate.
People who like a touch of weirdness and eclecticism in their metal, however, will love it. And these guys are obviously supreme instrumentalists. Jacks of all trades, and masters of all of them, you might say.
Probably a shade idiosyncratic for my own personal tastes…" ***