Farmakon album reviews

Reviews seem pretty cool so far. Definitely too many comparisons and such. Must be a nice feeling to have something out there being reviewed anyway! I can only imagine!
In the end, everything is copying of something, call it a rip-off or artistic expanding of certain sound/visual, or pure copying - it's just the way you look at it. My opinion about Farmakon's music is, that it's well on the way of developing something new, but you can't develope anything new unless you know enough about the stuff you are about to expand. I'm not actually sure what is the direction Farmakon is taking, but I certainly hope they are doing it the only proper way - one big step by step on every album, aiming to a far-away goal and not being satisfied too much by any album. So that every album would be musical leap forward, not repeating...

...So, looking things this way, Farmakon's A Warm Glimpse is the best decision these guys could make. Pushing everything they've got so far on this package, but not taking it too far from the familiar, so that somebody would actually want to listen to them. The fact is, that these guys are not as skilled as they will be in say 5-10 years - of course. They are very skilled, much more than 80% of debyting metal bands, but they will evolve in time to be a very remarkable reformer and innovator in metal business. They just have to start slowly - if they would've made a perfectly new, completely innovative and totally revolutionary album with their current skills, they wouldn't even have a recording contract, not to mention fans and listeners. So, a slow start forward is a good thing - if I'd be their manager, I would've even asked them to take more trash-elements on their debyt album, and reduce the amount of jazzy-funky -stuff, so that there'd be mainly mainstream-death and trash with a hint of speciality. The second album would've be more like that, and third album would be the first truly new album they'd make. That way they would first gain a strong group of fans and couple of bucks, and more importantly - The Skill To Make A 5/5 -Album. During the musical evolution progress they would lose couple of the slayer/pantera -fans, but the new direction would truly reach the people in fond of that style of music. Or even better, the people would find their evolution to fit for their musical needs.

Well, this is all fantasy, but I can see that these guys certainly HAVE the possibility of making themselves an important metal band. And the album "A Warm Glimpse", which I have listened now about 10 times, is certainly a very very good start towards stardom.

And... Who the fuck invented both graphical signatures and smileys in a message board system. Goddammit I hate them.

LeonBlank said:
In the end, everything is copying of something, call it a rip-off or artistic expanding of certain sound/visual, or pure copying - it's just the way you look at it. My opinion about Farmakon's music is, that it's well on the way of developing something new, but you can't develope anything new unless you know enough about the stuff you are about to expand. I'm not actually sure what is the direction Farmakon is taking, but I certainly hope they are doing it the only proper way - one big step by step on every album, aiming to a far-away goal and not being satisfied too much by any album. So that every album would be musical leap forward, not repeating...

...So, looking things this way, Farmakon's A Warm Glimpse is the best decision these guys could make. Pushing everything they've got so far on this package, but not taking it too far from the familiar, so that somebody would actually want to listen to them. The fact is, that these guys are not as skilled as they will be in say 5-10 years - of course. They are very skilled, much more than 80% of debyting metal bands, but they will evolve in time to be a very remarkable reformer and innovator in metal business. They just have to start slowly - if they would've made a perfectly new, completely innovative and totally revolutionary album with their current skills, they wouldn't even have a recording contract, not to mention fans and listeners. So, a slow start forward is a good thing - if I'd be their manager, I would've even asked them to take more trash-elements on their debyt album, and reduce the amount of jazzy-funky -stuff, so that there'd be mainly mainstream-death and trash with a hint of speciality. The second album would've be more like that, and third album would be the first truly new album they'd make. That way they would first gain a strong group of fans and couple of bucks, and more importantly - The Skill To Make A 5/5 -Album. During the musical evolution progress they would lose couple of the slayer/pantera -fans, but the new direction would truly reach the people in fond of that style of music. Or even better, the people would find their evolution to fit for their musical needs.

Well, this is all fantasy, but I can see that these guys certainly HAVE the possibility of making themselves an important metal band. And the album "A Warm Glimpse", which I have listened now about 10 times, is certainly a very very good start towards stardom.

And... Who the fuck invented both graphical signatures and smileys in a message board system. Goddammit I hate them.


You my friend are a very wise man.
hey lee, cheers for posting up the link to the raw nerve review that i did ..
to quickly answer/mention about the use of comparisons to other bands, basically its to give the readers some kind of benchmark / referral way to get at least a rough idea of what you are doing, i prefer to try and described what the music does and thought processes it invokes etc, which i do incorporate in reviews as well, but also people do like reviews that tell them information as well, so thats why i say "sounds similar to xxx" or "reminds me of xxx", or "fans of xxx would be impressed", stuff like that .. it intrigues more people, and thus helps the band as well ..

glad the review is liked :)
Windom Pearl said:


This is the second place that informs our homepage to be, which is bollocks. Goddamn Skepticism. If we had known the album release will actually be exactly the same time as ours we surely would have named our album "Skepticism" :loco:
That damn review said:
...but if you were to walk into a room whilst this was playing you would instantly say that this is Opeth.
This is also bollocks. Any self-respecting Opeth fanboy would easily realise that the riffs aren't that Opethy. Example: my brother, Opeth fanboy, walked in and said it sounded like Emperor. :p He also said it sounded very good, and called you weirdos when the first jazzy bit kicked in. But I can definitely persuade him to buy it. :D
Hearse said:
Why the ---- Sceptisisms homepage is "" ? :err: dont get it...
It's because they had a two-record consept (basically) entitled 'farmakon'