Yipes, I hadn't even thought about HBB in months, or years.... I can remember when it was pretty good.
Oddly enough, original HBB host Adam Curry, despite his appearance, was a solid metal fan. I thought he might have been, since he was realllly encouraging people to call in for Queensryche's "Eyes of a Stranger" when he was hosting their Top 15 countdown (of course, I called a lot anyway

). Later, he operated a BBS from his house in New Jersey -- remember BBSs? -- and I was a participant there for awhile, where he confirmed his love for 'good' metal. Pretty cool chap, and computer-savvy, too: he was the original owner of mtv.com before they forced him to surrender the domain.
He quit MTV and announced his disgust with their change in format (they had switched to showing a lot of stupid shows instead of music videos) during his taping of that day's Top 15 segment...of course, it didn't make it to broadcast....more's the pity!