Favorite album cover art

Top 20 Metal Cover Art Of 2022
20. just some cool mad max shit.

19. this guy's done a lot of garbage, and this borders on too slick as well, but it sure jumps out at me.

18. at his fourth attempt kantor finally made a good satan cover, and he will also be appearing in my top 3 further up. progress! i really like the texture of this.

17. this obviously isn't my usual style at all, but it's kind of awesome for a major label record. a rare case where the computerised slickness actually seems to suit it somehow.

16. not sure if this is good, exactly, but it's a fucking trip and makes me want to check out the album.

15. legendary retarded shit. instantly knew i'd be checking this out when i saw CiG post it somewhere.

14. i'm sure it's not for everyone but i just love burke's oil painting style applied to metal stuff. also this reminds me of that serial killer subplot in arkham knight.

13. haven't even listened to this yet but you can tell it's some weird barbaric heavy metal. badass name and logo too.

12. this dude does vocals, guitar, bass, lyrics and the artwork.

11. more very cool menacing shit from burke.

10. this was made by one of the dudes out of garroted! no idea what the fuck it's supposed to be signifying but it works for me.

9. just some top quality seagrave shit.

8. burke at his most surreal.

7. everything about this is very appealing to me for some reason. perfectly fits the music too. makes me wanna break out my amstrad and play the fantastic voyage game. also i swear the tentacles move when you scroll past it.

6. one of the best artworks of this type i've seen, burke again. i would read a fat novel with this cover.

5. burke's fifth appearance on the list? to be fair, he did also do one of the lamest of the year. this one's just fucking intense.

4. my kind of weird. dated in the best way.

3. second appearance of eliran kantor on my list, he also did the satan cover. i always fucking hated this band back in the day, but this cover is inspiring me to wanna check this out anyway.

2. that gross fucking italic font really kind of ruins it but the art itself is killer. easily better than most of mora's other shit.

1. nothing beats this. never seen anything quite like it, total nightmare fuel. this guy actually did the cover for a new vinyl issue of world of myths, also did some cool covers for ulthar as CiG said.
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