Favorite American Black Metal Bands

Averse Sefira

Black Witchery
Judas Iscariot

- Absu is one of the coolest bands ever!!!

Whoever mentioned Black Dawn, I can inform that these guys are from Finland.. At least if their album is called "Blood For Satan"...
SADUDE said:
Noctuary fucking own.

disregarding the fighting in this thread, thanks! Hopefully I'll see ya again in New England sometime in the future...

AS for American bands I like......

Absu is great
Thornspawn is fun
Judas Iscariot has 2 really good albums (HiF and DC&F)
Demoncy has some good stuff....

recently not too much American stuff has lit my fire, but one that has is Shroud of Despondency.....got For Eternity Brings No Hope last year sometime and it's killer....
Summon is one of the only good blackmetal bands that is out there anymore.

They are from USA (ex-masochist guitarist/vocalist is in it).
abysslooker said:
I thought it was funny when he said Norway makes Black metal for 14 year old girls. haha!

He was probably thinking about Dimmu Borgir. Although Dimmu is more for 12 year old girls. 14 is far too mature for Dimmu's simplicity.
~UlvedaL~ said:
Averse Sefira

Black Witchery
Judas Iscariot

- Absu is one of the coolest bands ever!!!

Whoever mentioned Black Dawn, I can inform that these guys are from Finland.. At least if their album is called "Blood For Satan"...

Yep, that was me. Guess I was mistaken. For some reason I thought they were from Chicago or something. Thanks for the heads up.