American Black Metal

J. said:
Do you also find it lame when a European band immitates another European band?

Just because a band is from Europe, doesn't mean they have the sole rights to a specific style. And European clones are just as annoying as American clones.

And why is one country (America) constantly compared to an entire continent (Europe)?
Well, I guess certain black metal "scenes" in Europe have their own sound, like the Ukranian bands for instance, or certain French bands. Black metal is a style pioneered and developed in Europe for the most part. Also, it would be funny if a US black metal band from California or something would sing about northern pride and paganism and so forth. I do think it is lame when a European death metal band tries to immitate Suffocation or Cannibal Corpse though, like many of the European brutal dm bands do.
I think the problem with American metallers is that they're too reluctant to try anything experimental. Okay, some might argue that plenty of experimental shit goes down all the time, but nothing that good. I mean, look how Emperor once ascended to the top of the Norse metal world when they tried a lot of the classical stuff. It worked, and for good reason, the musical quality was amazing! something to be respected, even though it could have turned out pretty shitty. Well, all the American bands try to be all heavy and demonic, try to be all dark, but they lack any ingenuity that''ll set 'em apart.
that was a bad thing.

black witchery is garbage. the only listenable war metal band is Operation Winter Mist, which sounds sort of like old Gorgoroth. i don't love it, but compared to Conqueror, Black Witchery, Revenge, etc. it's great.

i think europe has produced way better metal than the us.
not sure if they have been mentioned, but:


This band only made one album ('Dead as Dreams', but it's a killer record. essential, IMO
Nobody mentioned the blasphomes grimness that is Impaled Northern Moonforest!
