Favorite Beginning and Favorite Ending To a Symphony X Song?

Prismatic Sphere

We Carouse
Jul 18, 2002
In A Bowl Of Chili
Beginning: I'd say "The Edge Of Forever". I can never feel bad when I hear that gorgeous chord progression.

Ending: "Absence Of Light". It's such a cathartic release from Russell and you just wanna ride those keyboards all the way.

Best Beginning and Ending In One Song: "The Odyssey". Perfect.:)
excellent choice concerning the "Absence of Light" ending

this is an interesting and weird topic... I'll try...

Favorite Beginning: Egypt... love that tom drum... duh duh duh duh

Favorite Ending: Lady of the Snow... Russell's vocals in the final chorus are breathtaking
This is a pretty cool thread.

My all time favorite beggining has to be Masquerade[98 that is] because it personifies what I like most in Symphony X.

Ending? Hmmm... That would have to be Lady of the Snow! MAN, I get chill bumps EVERY time the whole record plays through and then at that ending where Russ is singing:

"Maiden of the Snow A winter's stare through veils that still my sight In the night...she caaaaaaaaaaaaaalls..."

MAN I love that. Awesome. Then to top it all off, that kewl Asian keys thing Rullo's doing.
Medusa's eyes said:
Beginning: Awakenings, The Odyssey & Of Sins and Shadows

Yeah, I totally agree with you! I also like the ending of Lady of the Snow and Rediscorvery.

beginning: of Sins & Shadows / Damnation game

i agree with the ending of Lady of the Snow
Umm... hard choice... let me see:

Fav. beginning: Evolution (The Grand Design) - Damn... that intro blows my brain off my head...

Fav. ending: Of Sins and Shadows, I'd say...

Fav. both of 'em: The Eyes of Medusaaahhh... - Obvious reasons... :D