Favorite comedians

My all time favorites:
Bill Hicks (I often joke that he's my long lost uncle, seeing as how we're both from Georgia, and share the last name)
Mitch Hedburg
Lewis Black
And..Dave Attell
A few years ago, we saw (live) two of the guys from Whose Line (Brad Sherwood and Colin MaICan'tSpellHisName). I laughed so hard that I couldn't breathe.

Mochrie. Also known as "The Snack Fairy" from the ads for those Nabisco 100-calorie packs. :lol: He's a hoot!
They're trying to take my tortillas!!!!!!!!!

That's one reason I don't like him. I've never heard an Arnold Schwarzenegger impression I thought was funny because he's the easiest to impersonate. Also, Pablo's high girl voice makes me cringe.