Favorite Drummers?

Décadent said:
I had a 'roo steak the other day that was tougher than the soles of my shoe, and it was fucking extra-rare! Won't be eating that shit again soon. Emu/croc/camel > roo.

not much of that in stock here in the states. I've eaten ostrich before.
yeh thats right pull the plug, this cunt had a go at us aussies, its a bloody outrage it is
lmao. i was just playing with you guys because someone told me that austriallia was a island of criminals. shit sounded cool to me but when i saw an aussie clown me a had to have a come back. funny thing is all he would have had to say was something smart and idda been fucked, lol.

and yeah, im old as hell. :)
Pull The Plug said:
Yeah I just told the Prime Minister, he seemed angry but he was just pissed off I wasn't down the pub shouting him a few. Lazy bugger.

was the pms name Andy? and was he naked in a lake drining a fosters?
note the simpsons parody here
Murda4Hire said:
lmao. i was just playing with you guys because someone told me that austriallia was a island of criminals. shit sounded cool to me but when i saw an aussie clown me a had to have a come back. funny thing is all he would have had to say was something smart and idda been fucked, lol.

and yeah, im old as hell. :)

dont you get that we're fooling around?
and yeh we were started by convicts that were sent here from England, becuase they had too many naughty boys flying at peoples chops like paddy over there so they sent them here.

Except of SA :kickass:
cookiecutter said:
I've heard he uses triggered drums. Still pretty good, even if I'm not a huge Dimmu fan though.

:kickass: :kickass: :kickass:

Getting back on track...

A great majority of the drummers listed in this thread at least trigger their kick drums. Nick Barker triggers his toms and uses a fully electronic Roland snare. Remember, triggers don't make any sound at all, it's the drum module that ultimately makes the sound that you hear. If you don't like the sound of triggered drums, then it's simply the module settings you don't like, not the actual triggers themselves.
nah not really dude
although we are the only country to eat the animals on out coat of arms, the kangaroo and the emu :kickass:
don't you ever get scared you'll get lost wheny ou do the walk thing? i watch this show called "i shouldn't be alive" it's about surviving in the wild and shit. i would be too afraid to go on one of the walk about things.
ah dude we dont actually go on random walks into the bush coz, yeh, you got a good chance of dying
its not like Aussie culture to go walk abouts
DemonJay said:
Getting back on track...

A great majority of the drummers listed in this thread at least trigger their kick drums. Nick Barker triggers his toms and uses a fully electronic Roland snare. Remember, triggers don't make any sound at all, it's the drum module that ultimately makes the sound that you hear. If you don't like the sound of triggered drums, then it's simply the module settings you don't like, not the actual triggers themselves.

I'm no expert on drums. I just dislike when I can hear the fact that they are triggered to too much of an extent.